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dictatorship - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dictatorship in Hindi

  • अधिनायकत्व
  • तानाशाही
  • अधिनायकवाद
  • अधिनायकतन्त्र


  • अधिनायकत्व
  • एकसत्तावाद
  • तानाशाह का शासन

dictatorship Definition


  • government by a dictator.

dictatorship Example

  • Forty years of dictatorship ( चालीस साल की तानाशाही )
  • This dictatorship of Rosas continued until 1852. ( रोजस की यह तानाशाही 1852 तक चलती रही। )
  • Sulla's dictatorship was the form taken by a provisional government. ( सुल्ला की तानाशाही एक अस्थायी सरकार द्वारा लिया गया रूप था। )
  • The three volumes ended with the dictatorship of Caesar. ( सीज़र की तानाशाही के साथ तीन खंड समाप्त हो गए। )
  • He wrote twenty-three books on the period between the Social War and the dictatorship of Sulla. ( उन्होंने सामाजिक युद्ध और सुल्ला की तानाशाही के बीच की अवधि पर तेईस पुस्तकें लिखीं। )

More Sentence

  • During the Franco dictatorship, conscientious objectors were thrown in jail.
  • The PRI can now rebut its reputation as the perfect dictatorship.
  • Overthrowing a dictatorship was victory enough for Irmtraut Hollitzer, 51.
  • At the time, Spain was ruled by the Franco dictatorship.
  • They worried that FDR could turn the office into a dictatorship.
  • If it continues Russia will be ripe for an authoritarian dictatorship.
  • He said dictatorships are much likelier to start wars than democracies.
  • In 1960, Paraguay was South America's only dictatorship.
  • But towards the close of Lerdo de Tejada's term he was suspected of aiming at a dictatorship, and Diaz, whom he had proscribed, made preparations for a rising, then retiring to Texas.
  • In May 46 B.C. a third dictatorship was conferred on Caesar, this time for ten years and apparently as a yearly office, so that he became Dictator IV.
  • We share the same experience; we experience the same dictatorship.
  • Mobutu began to study other dictatorships, drawing freely from them.
  • No dictatorship grants human rights in a sudden attack of compassion.
  • Or else it may lead to a dictatorship without any revolt.
  • Could it be that democracy is a lesser muse than dictatorship?
  • As president of the provisional government he summoned (Dec. 18th, 1830) the Diet of 1831, and after the termination of Chlopicki's dictatorship was elected chief of the supreme council by 121 out of 138 votes (January 30th).
  • A Congress prolonged his dictatorship amid adulations that bordered on the grotesque.
  • Yet the dictatorship pre-supposes unity of will, unity of direction, unity of action.
  • Naturally, the stock excuse is that the dictatorship is inevitable as a method to fight the ancient regime.
  • All these most necessary measures of revolutionary dictatorship could with difficulty be reconciled with an extensive electoral campaign.
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat, and similar terms are used by them in referring to their highly centralized control.
  • In brief, it announced the establishment of a dictatorship pending the formal assumption of the crown by the conqueror.
  • He acquiesced in the earl's dictatorship; left to his eldest son, Edward, the difficult task of reorganizing the royal party; marched with the Montfortians to Evesham; and narrowly escaped sharing the fate of his gaoler.
  • He did not return till 82, during the dictatorship of Sulla.
  • China is still a dictatorship that appears to distrust the U.S., yet agreements between the two countries have been solidified of late, after President Bush went for a visit.