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dialogue - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dialogue in Hindi

  • वार्ता


  • बातचीत
  • संवाद
  • संभाषण
  • आलाप
  • वार्तालाप
  • प्रश्नोत्तर

dialogue Definition


  • conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.

dialogue Example

  • The U.S. would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam ( अमेरिका वियतनाम के साथ सीधा संवाद करेगा )
  • Interfaith dialogue ( इंटरफेथ डायलॉग )
  • The characters are well drawn and the dialogue full of comic strength, the scenes knit together and the plot skilfully worked out. ( पात्रों को अच्छी तरह से खींचा गया है और हास्य शक्ति से भरे संवाद, दृश्य एक साथ बुनते हैं और कथानक ने कुशलता से काम किया है। )
  • There is more monologue than dialogue in this play. ( इस नाटक में संवाद से अधिक एकालाप है। )

More Sentence

  • Escaping by way of Strassburg he found an asylum in England, where he was made a prebendary of Canterbury, received a pension from Edward VI.'s privy purse, and composed his chief work, A Trajedy or Dialogue of the unjust usurped Primacy of the Bishop of Rome (1549) This remarkable performance, originally written in Latin, is extant only in the translation of John Ponet, bishop of Winchester, a splendid specimen of nervous English.
  • The novel contains too much dialogue and not enough narrative.
  • There needs to be a closer dialogue between management and staff.
  • The play contained some very snappy/witty dialogue.
  • The same dialogue shows him to be alive to its dangers and defects.
  • Herculano had greater book learning than Scott, but lacked descriptive talent and skill in dialogue.
  • In this the form of dialogue was not employed.
  • It is in the form of a dialogue between himself and his favourite nephew, and was dedicated to Richard, bishop of Bayeux from 1113 to 1133.
  • The epistle, on the other hand, rather takes the place of a public speech, it is written with an audience in view, it is a literary form, a distinctly artistic effort aiming at permanence; and it bears much the same relation to a letter as a Platonic dialogue does to a private talk between two friends.
  • The play was full of slangy dialogue.
  • The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.
  • The dialogue is amusing but the plot is weak.
  • Some of the dialogue has been changed to make it more palatable to an American audience.
  • His Amphitryons is a free imitation of the Latin, yet thoroughly national in spirit and cast in the popular redondilha; the dialogue is spirited, the situations comic. King Seleucus derives from Plutarch and has a prose prologue of real interest for the history of the stage, while Filodemo is a clever tragi-comedy in verse with prose dialogues interspersed.
  • passages of dialogue