dew point - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dew point in Hindi
dew point Definition
- the atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form.
dew point Example
- This vapor migrates into insulated cavities and, if it reaches the dew point, it converts to liquid within the insulation. ( यह वाष्प अछूता गुहाओं में चला जाता है और, यदि यह ओस बिंदु तक पहुँच जाता है, तो यह इन्सुलेशन के भीतर तरल में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। )
- Ice fog is simply fog that forms with the air temperature and dew point below freezing. ( बर्फ का कोहरा बस कोहरा है जो हवा के तापमान और ठंड के नीचे ओस बिंदु के साथ बनता है। )
- Temperature, atmosphere composition, and dew point are closely controlled to decarburize the strip without oxidizing the surface. ( तापमान, वायुमंडल की संरचना और ओस बिंदु को सतह को ऑक्सीकरण किए बिना पट्टी को डीकार्बराइज करने के लिए बारीकी से नियंत्रित किया जाता है। )
- Houston's most humid months are July and August when the average dew point is 72 degrees. ( ह्युस्टन के सबसे आर्द्र महीने जुलाई और अगस्त हैं जब औसत ओस बिंदु 72 डिग्री होता है। )
More Sentence
- A higher dew point means there will be more moisture in the air.
- The dew point is then reported as the average of these two temperatures.
- The outside dew point is so low that mildew is seldom a problem.
- In 1845, Glaisher published his dew point tables, for the measurement of humidity.
- The dew point meter includes controlling section, data - gathering section and displaying section.
- The lithium chloride dew-point hygrometer has many advantages over other types of hygrometer.
- The dew point temperature is equal to the fully saturated dry bulb or wet bulb temperatures.
- The temperature of the air stream was measured just downstream of the dew point hygrometer using a thermocouple.
- In addition to measuring wind speed it also measures temperature, wind chill, dew point, humidity, and heat stress.
- A black frost is when the dew point is less than the low temperature reached.
- Measuring the resulting dew point temperature confirmed a relative humidity higher than 30 percent.
- The glass window had been chilled by the outside rain and had cooled the hot, humid air inside the bus below its dew point.
- If a critical temperature, known as the dew point, is reached, condensation occurs and clouds form.
- As the temperature increases, the dew point often does the same.
- Dew points in the warm months range from in June to in August.
- Just as the steamy meal is above the dew point of ones specticles.
- The measurement of temperature is simple compared to the dew point.
- During winter, dry air often dominates as dew points are often very low.
- In some applications the dew point must be far below freezing.
- It's a handheld weather unit that computes wind, temperature, dew point and barometric pressure in several different units of measure.
- The over-wrap should be kept in place until the fruit temperature has risen past the dew point.