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devil's advocate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of devil's advocate in Hindi

  • छिद्रान्वेषी
  • दोषदर्शी
  • वितंडावादी
  • छिद्रान्वेषण

devil's advocate Definition


  • a person who expresses a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments.

devil's advocate Example

  • The interviewer will need to play devil's advocate, to put the other side's case forward ( दूसरे पक्ष के मामले को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए साक्षात्कारकर्ता को शैतान के वकील की भूमिका निभानी होगी )
  • If it sounds heavenly, let me be a virtual devil's advocate. ( अगर यह स्वर्गीय लगता है, तो मुझे एक आभासी शैतान का वकील बनने दो। )
  • Let's play devil's advocate just the same. ( चलो शैतान के वकील को वही खेलते हैं। )
  • He started life as a journalist although Robbie Vincent's broadcasting career began as one of the pioneers on BBC Radio London in early 1974 during the miners'strike and Three-day week hosting a new style of phone-in show called Late Night London playing " devils advocate " with the telephone callers. ( उन्होंने एक पत्रकार के रूप में जीवन की शुरुआत की, हालांकि रॉबी विंसेंट का प्रसारण कैरियर 1974 की शुरुआत में खनिकों की हड़ताल के दौरान बीबीसी रेडियो लंदन में अग्रदूतों में से एक के रूप में शुरू हुआ और तीन दिवसीय सप्ताह में फोन-इन शो की एक नई शैली की मेजबानी की गई, जिसे लेट नाइट लंदन कहा जाता है। अधिवक्ता "टेलीफोन कॉल करने वालों के साथ। )

More Sentence

  •   When carlson was in accord with his advisors, he might play devil's advocate to see if he could support the opposite side with logic .
  •   It's difficult to see devil's advocate in a sentence .
  • The current article has a majority of editors who regularly maintain it who are of the inclination that it's dual name should not be used; playing devils advocate ( as I believe as opinion that it should be purely Uluru, yet from a legal and legitimacy standpoint it should be Ayers Rock until the Government aknowledges it's aboriginality ).
  • :: Just to be the devils advocate here, by the same rational as WhatamIdoing and looking at Wikipedia : FfD # February _ 2 & Wikipedia : FfD # February _ 3 Unencyclopedic would also be an inadequate rationale ( i . e ., you should normally pair that reason with another, more substantial reason ), it is always used with orphaned.
  • The interviewer will need to play devil's advocate, to put the other side's case forward
  • If it sounds heavenly, let me be a virtual devil's advocate.
  • Let's play devil's advocate just the same.
  • He started life as a journalist although Robbie Vincent's broadcasting career began as one of the pioneers on BBC Radio London in early 1974 during the miners'strike and Three-day week hosting a new style of phone-in show called Late Night London playing " devils advocate " with the telephone callers.
  •   When carlson was in accord with his advisors, he might play devil's advocate to see if he could support the opposite side with logic .
  •   It's difficult to see devil's advocate in a sentence .
  • The current article has a majority of editors who regularly maintain it who are of the inclination that it's dual name should not be used; playing devils advocate ( as I believe as opinion that it should be purely Uluru, yet from a legal and legitimacy standpoint it should be Ayers Rock until the Government aknowledges it's aboriginality ).
  • He is just playing the devil's advocate with me.
  • Often the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.
  • Perhaps he should try to play the devil's advocate?
  • He is not a negotiator or a devil's advocate.
  • Often the interviewer will need to play the devil's advocate, to put the other side's case forward.
  • Somehow you have to play devil's advocate against your presentation and try to knock it to pieces.
  • The sinner plays devil's advocate, as will the devil on the Day of Judgement.
  • Thinking for yourself, playing the devil's advocate and asking questions were not encouraged.
  • Now, start Devil's Advocate and challenge yourself to find the positive.
  • :: Just to be the devils advocate here, by the same rational as WhatamIdoing and looking at Wikipedia : FfD # February _ 2 & Wikipedia : FfD # February _ 3 Unencyclopedic would also be an inadequate rationale ( i . e ., you should normally pair that reason with another, more substantial reason ), it is always used with orphaned.
  • They argued their way back to Parkside with Dean playing the devil's advocate while Fred quoted a dozen mystery stories that bore out his hypothesis, a hypothesis that grew in detail with each passing mile.
  • Just playing devil's advocate to raise a bit of honest debate.
  • They argued their way back to Parkside with Dean playing the devil's advocate while Fred quoted a dozen mystery stories that bore out his hypothesis, a hypothesis that grew in detail with each passing mile.
  • Just playing devil's advocate to raise a bit of honest debate.