determination - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of determination in Hindi
- दृढ़ निश्चय
- निर्धारण
- अवधारण
- समाप्ति
- निरूपण
- संकल्प
- दृढ़ संकल्प
- प्रण
- विचार
determination Definition
- firmness of purpose; resoluteness.
- the process of establishing something exactly, typically by calculation or research.
- the controlling or deciding of something's nature or outcome.
- the cessation of an estate or interest.
- a tendency to move in a fixed direction.
determination Example
- To date, this has hindered determination of the molecular structure of the pigments. ( आज तक, यह पिगमेंट की आणविक संरचना के निर्धारण में बाधा है। )
- those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination ( जो सरासर धैर्य और दृढ़ संकल्प के कारण सफल होते हैं )
- In some dioecious species, sex determination is controlled by genes on sex chromosomes. ( कुछ द्वैध प्रजातियों में, सेक्स क्रोमोसोम पर जीन द्वारा लिंग निर्धारण को नियंत्रित किया जाता है। )
- Diploid males have subsequently been found in many species of Hymenoptera and have been taken as evidence for the widespread occurrence of this method of sex determination . ( डीप्लॉइड नर बाद में हाइमनोप्टेरा की कई प्रजातियों में पाए गए हैं और उन्हें लिंग निर्धारण की इस पद्धति की व्यापक घटना के प्रमाण के रूप में लिया गया है। )
More Sentence
- Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanism of such sex determination , including control at a single polymorphic locus.
- Postpartum interval was calculated by the determination of plasma progesterone concentrations.
- expert determination
- The second part of the evaluation process is the determination of healthfulness of the products one is forced to eat when meat, etc. products are eliminated.
- I would not be here today if it had not been for their sheer determination to find me.
- Other methods of molecular weight determination include gel permeation chromatography, end-group analysis, and osmometry.
- The previous determination may include a settlement.
- As well as being useful, the tra mutations were obviously relevant to the developmental genetics of males and to sex determination in general.
- Her trainers believe that she has the ability, commitment and determination to realise her Olympic dream but she will need a little financial help to get there.
- Hence, Sxl does not appear to play the key discriminating role in controlling sex determination and dosage compensation in sciarids that it plays in Drosophila.
- Since he was elected president of the Russian Federation, he has often publicly assured journalists of his determination to respect their independence.
- The tariffs are subject to final determination next month.
- These are the basic questions to be solved to understand the genetic mechanisms of sex determination and their evolution.
- For he explained the process of wage determination in full, whereas the later version was simply a theory of the demand for labour.
- When sex determination is under zygotic control, the probability of an individual being male depends upon its genotype rather than that of its mother.
- It is founded on a misconception of the role of consumption rather than production in the income determination process.
- There is no acceptance of the place of performance assessment within career structures for teachers and in the accepted processes for the determination of rewards.
- His leadership qualities and determination to challenge capitalism earned him lasting respect from all who knew him, particularly in his role as union steward and factory convenor.
- Chromosomal sex determination can also be more complex, with multiple X and Y chromosomes, or maternal, as in the carrion fly Chrysomya rufifacies.
- he advanced with an unflinching determination
- Our results support the idea that divergent tra homologs might control sex determination in yet other dipteran species, where a dsx gene has been identified.
- He has the grit and determination to drive the atomic research centre towards its stated goal.
- This makes determination of the local protein concentration difficult.
- So could she ever go back to just enjoying sailing without the goal-setting, ambitious drive and determination to set records and win races?
- This indicates that the maternal Odsm1 genotype itself, rather than the genotype of the offspring, controls the sex determination .
- Further data processing (calibration, determination of peak area, averaging, etc.) is done by computer.