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detect-able - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of detect-able in Hindi

  • पता लगाने योग्य
  • पकड़ने योग्य

detect-able Definition


  • able to be discovered or identified.

detect-able Example

  • The virus is not yet detectable in the blood ( रक्त में अभी तक वायरस का पता नहीं चल पाया है )
  • Grape juices made after skins were removed had no detectable fluoride. ( छिलकों को हटाने के बाद बनाए गए अंगूर के रस में कोई पता लगाने योग्य फ्लोराइड नहीं था। )
  • Evidence, everything from meringue to cherry juice, readily detectable on ( साक्ष्य, मेरिंग्यू से लेकर चेरी के रस तक सब कुछ, आसानी से पता लगाया जा सकता है )
  • However, prostate cancer isn't always detectable via DRE. ( हालांकि, प्रोस्टेट कैंसर हमेशा डीआरई के माध्यम से पता लगाने योग्य नहीं होता है। )
  • So no financial suffering is detectable in the owners'position. ( इसलिए मालिकों की स्थिति में कोई वित्तीय पीड़ा नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • An internal flaw would not be detectable without special nondestructive testing.
  • But there is detectable progress, and that inviting schedule ahead.
  • Berger also said it found no detectable levels of mercury vapor.
  • Yvette responded finally, her French accent barely detectable
  • Six hands still had detectable levels of peanut allergen.
  • The scent of blood was subtle, detectable only by a vampire like him.
  • gastric adenocarcinomas, there was no detectable activity.
  • You have picked out a suit, a sharp grey one with barely detectable pinstripes.
  • Meaning it only indicates the pathologically detectable cases.
  • Certainly less detectable than leaving footprints in the grass.
  • More than 95 per cent of hypertension cases have no detectable cause.
  • That too was getting them nowhere; detectable imports were negligible.
  • Romans 1: 20 Paul writes He is detectable through His creation, where.
  • But those bomblets had metal jackets that were detectable by metal sensors.
  • I saw no detectable movement, no smoke from a fire, and no unnatural clearing.
  • Outside the sphere, shapes and forms were detectable only as wavering shadows.
  • adrenal glands by tuberculosis is irreversible once hormonal deficiencies are clinically detectable.
  • The coconut was barely detectable, the glaze a little thin and weedy, and the biscuits on the side seemed a bland afterthought.
  • approximal lesion which was detectable only with FOTI.
  • Patients with detectable levels are more likely to progress to overt hypothyroidism.
  • These variations result in spatially variable surface roughness patterns which are detectable on SAR imagery.
  • Unfortunately, many birth defects are not detectable before a baby is born.
  • Some diseases are detectable at birth, and can be dealt with right away.
  • Fragments of meteorites or chemically detectable traces of extraterrestrial materials and indications of strong forces acting from above, rather than from below, distinguish impact from volcanic features.
  • " In fact, this office, an enclave of the White House, represents a barely detectable portion of the drug-policy budget.
  • According to recent research by Derek Neal of the University of Chicago and William Johnson of the University of Virginia, black/white wage differentials are largely explained by differences in skill levels which are already detectable at an early age.
  • Of these, , showed no detectable change, about showed changes
  • However, the C109S mutant showed no detectable ß1 association (Fig.
  • lectin antigen was detectable using the ELISA method in the sera of 65% of patients (Ref.
  • An easily detectable and treatable disorder
  • There is a detectable note of bitterness when he talks of his father