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despot - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of despot in Hindi

  • तानाशाह
  • निरंकुश शासक
  • प्रजापीड़क
  • आततायी
  • निर्दयी
  • स्वेच्छाचारी शासक

despot Definition


  • a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way.

despot Example

  • It was about 348-345 B.C. that Aristotle spent three years at Assus with Hermeas, an ex-slave who had succeeded his former master Eubulus as despot of Assus and Atarneus. ( यह लगभग 348-345 ई.पू. अरस्तू ने तीन साल आसुस में हरमीस के साथ बिताए, जो एक पूर्व-दास था, जो अपने पूर्व मास्टर यूबुलस के उत्तराधिकारी के रूप में एसस और एटारनेस के तानाशाह के रूप में सफल हुआ था। )
  • Dionysius was regarded by the ancients as a type of the worst kind of despot - cruel, suspicious and vindictive. ( डायोनिसियस को पूर्वजों द्वारा सबसे खराब प्रकार के निरंकुश प्रकार के रूप में माना जाता था - क्रूर, संदिग्ध और प्रतिशोधी। )
  • The despot was so well pleased with the courtier that he gave him both the gems. ( निरंकुश दरबारी से इतना प्रसन्न हुआ कि उसने उसे दोनों रत्न दे दिए। )
  • No despot could easily take from our community such rights when it had once obtained them. ( कोई भी निरंकुश हमारे समुदाय से ऐसे अधिकार आसानी से नहीं ले सकता था जब उसने उन्हें एक बार प्राप्त कर लिया था। )
  • He met the fierce scowl of the despot with a scowl every whit as savage and defiant. ( वह निरंकुश और उद्दंड के रूप में हर सफेद भाग के साथ निरंकुश की भयंकर निंदा से मिला। )

More Sentence

  • The experiment has been made, and every time a despot has altered the money ...
  • The stony-hearted Despot himself must have been an object of peculiar study to the author.
  • And again I ask, how is this good despotism to be carried on when the despot abdicates?
  • To this they joined the privileges inherent in the title of hereditary despot which was granted to them.
  • Enthusiasm for a benevolent despot is mostly confined to those who have not enjoyed the privilege of living under such autocratic government.
  • Palaeologus and his son Theodore, despot of the Morea; W.
  • The spectacle of an Eastern despot apparently advancing on the lines of European progress was in itself as astonishing as new.
  • It is true that the bishop was not an absolute despot.
  • Charlotte always arranges everything in our house and rules us like a despot.
  • Though a despot, as all Inonarchs were obliged to be at that date, he reigned with prudence, probity and zeal for the welfare of his subjects.
  • On the death of Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela (491 B.C.), Gelo, who had been his commander of cavalry, succeeded him; and in 485, his aid having been invoked by the Gamori (the oligarchical landed proprietors) of Syracuse who had been driven out by the populace, he seized the opportunity of making himself despot.
  • In short, that despot, the cannon, cannot do all that it desires; force is a great weakness.
  • A despot rules by force and only needs to prove that he is strong enough to remove any opposition.
  • To this they joined the privileges inherent in the title of hereditary despot which was granted to them.
  • Like machines, they dumbly moved about the deck, ever conscious that the old man's despot eye was on them.
  • This vigorous despot, whose ambi- Henry vI tions were not all chimerical, had succeeded where his predecessors, including Frederick, had failed.