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despicable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of despicable in Hindi

  • नाली का कीड़ा
  • नीच
  • घिनौना
  • कुत्सित
  • नफ़रत पैदा करनेवाला
  • तिरस्कार-योग्य
  • घृणित
  •  अधम
  • तिरस्कार योग्य

despicable Definition


  • deserving hatred and contempt.

despicable Example

  • A despicable crime ( एक निंदनीय अपराध )
  • My father did it because, to him, lying was so despicable he was forced to respond in a like manner. ( मेरे पिता ने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि उनके लिए झूठ बोलना इतना घिनौना था कि उन्हें उसी तरह जवाब देने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। )
  • When Mack was convicted of the despicable crime of murder, his wife was so embarrassed she divorced him. ( जब मैक को हत्या के घिनौने अपराध का दोषी ठहराया गया, तो उसकी पत्नी इतनी शर्मिंदा थी कि उसने उसे तलाक दे दिया। )
  • How could Sandra do something as despicable as abusing her parents? ( सैंड्रा अपने माता-पिता को गाली देने जैसा घिनौना काम कैसे कर सकती थी? )

More Sentence

  • The despicable police officer was arrested for taking bribes from drug dealers.  
  • After Rachel exhibited despicable behavior at her sister’s wedding, she was banned from future events.  
  • Are we despicable Germans?
  • Though I so love him and trust his every word, I can't help but tremble at even the prospect I shall at last exchange this soiled and despicable life for another.
  • This did not appear the worst, nor by any means a despicable alternative.
  • Her despicable behavior earned her nothing but some time in jail.
  • This despicable creature man has been able to effect what mighty Jehovah never accomplished.
  • Strong disgust seized Garth again; so despicable an adversary shamed his own manhood.
  • If vileness has anything to do with it, I am despicable enough to do anything he might dream!
  • The Athenians possessed virtues which we in vain look for among the despicable Jews.
  • Shame on the heartless being who could see in this delicate kindness only a triumph for the most despicable vanity!
  • This despicable toleration of all opinions is godless indifference, behind which naturalism and deism conceal themselves.
  • There is nothing more worthy of a man than truth: nothing makes him feel himself so despicable as a lie.
  • Though one of the worst of ministers, Bute was by no means the worst of men or the despicable and detestable person represented by the popular imagination.
  • I later discovered that her promise had been a despicable lie.
  • We must confront Claudia before she continues to exhibit these despicable behaviors.
  • After Raquel's despicable actions, I had to ask her to leave the party.