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depressingly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of depressingly in Hindi

  • निराशाजनक रूप से

depressingly Definition


  • in a manner that causes sadness.

depressingly Example

  • Mrs. Lynde spoke depressingly ( श्रीमती लिंडे उदास होकर बोली ) 
  • It was a depressingly efficient system. ( यह एक निराशाजनक रूप से कुशल प्रणाली थी। )
  • After that everything was depressingly predictable. ( उसके बाद सब कुछ निराशाजनक रूप से अनुमानित था। )
  • Some of the First Nome residents were helping us, but depressingly. ( पहले नोम के कुछ निवासी हमारी मदद कर रहे थे, लेकिन निराशाजनक रूप से। )

More Sentence

  • He had a room at the far end of a depressingly drab second floor hallway.
  • the story is becoming depressingly familiar
  • He never sat down here in the depressingly grey cafeteria so he wouldn’t have any idea how uncomfortable the chairs are, she thought.
  • In my own native Aberdeen, the city centre now looks more like Moscow in the days of the Cold War, with a depressingly high number of closed church buildings.
  • Pointing it at us, but then you never said anything, and the sergeant and I are depressingly honest about such things—not good, but from our point of view, not good enough.
  • A margin call from the bank would force him to realize losses close to 50 percent; here in the corporeal world, leverage, depressingly, turned out to be just a synonym for amplification.
  • Worse, Nybar—who was depressingly willing to learn from other people’s experience, as well as his own—had built observation towers in Fairkyn itself and at regular intervals around his entire defensive position.
  • Brereton and Doolittle have in fact had to relieve of command a depressingly high number of senior air formation commanders in the last two months, something that indirectly played havoc on both training and operations.
  • Conversely many of the recent pronouncements from Church and Society sound depressingly like those from a humanist convention, virtually devoid of theological insight, far less appearing to be in any way prophetic.
  • Many of these are depressingly familiar to militant workers around the world.
  • Over-exaggerate by making one feature insanely huge or depressingly miniscule.
  • On the other hand, if it's simply too late, and you are staring at yourself in the mirror in a depressingly too tight bikini, don't get angry, sad or frustrated.
  • The room was small, old-fashioned, and depressingly sombre in the gloom of the wintry afternoon.
  • ESMOND gave a depressingly clever rendering of a quite unbelievably appalling landlady.
  • My baby was born within ten months of my marriage and most of that time I was wretchedly, depressingly ill.
  • The number of people who feel challenged by their work is depressingly low.
  • depressingly, I have to agree with Eric on the likely political reaction to this problem