dependence - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dependence in Hindi
- निर्भरता
- परायता
- आश्रय में होना
- भरोसा
- परतंत्रता
- अधीनता
- आश्रय
- पराधीनता
- सहारा
- ईमान
- अवलंब
- टेक
- ढासना
- उपनिवेश
- आबादी
dependence Definition
- the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else.
dependence Example
- Japan's dependence on imported oil ( आयातित तेल पर जापान की निर्भरता )
- alcohol dependence ( अल्कोहल निर्भरता )
- The degree of this dependence was always a matter of dispute. ( इस निर्भरता की डिग्री हमेशा विवाद का विषय रही है। )
- A young baby has great dependence on its parents, as it is too young to care for itself and will die without care. ( एक छोटा बच्चा अपने माता-पिता पर बहुत अधिक निर्भर होता है, क्योंकि वह खुद की देखभाल करने के लिए बहुत छोटा होता है और बिना देखभाल के मर जाएगा। )
- The ability of a car to drive is focused on its dependence for gasoline, as it cannot drive without it. ( कार चलाने की क्षमता गैसोलीन के लिए उसकी निर्भरता पर केंद्रित है, क्योंकि वह इसके बिना ड्राइव नहीं कर सकती। )
More Sentence
- There is a strong dependence on our government to take care of its citizens, though sometimes the government gets a little too involved in such things.
- If there is one thing most parents don’t want, it is for their children to have dependence on them once they become adults.
- Helen's dependence on me for almost everything makes me strong and glad.
- The dependence of the island on one crop has been an artificial economic condition often of grave momentary danger to prosperity; but generally speaking, the progress of the industry has been steady.
- On the nursing home side, the dependence is even greater.
- Their youth and their dependence make them vulnerable, I answered.
- Some investment professionals question Yale's dependence on alternative investments.
- That doesn't mean dependence on Russia, he said.
- If anything our dependence on one another increased as time passed.
- With their nature corrupted by their dependence on a mistaken out-.
- The Jewish religion was centered round and totally dependence on the.
- I had never experienced this kind of dependence in my earlier travels.
- This pattern if established can lead to a kind of dependence on sugar.
- When there is dependence on the internalized mother instead of freedom.
- We know they are doing nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
- With this, it eliminates the relation of economic dependence among them.
- One of the things that traps abused women is financial dependence.
- The company is weaning itself of its dependence on its agents.
- Diversification has reduced IDG's dependence on magazine advertising sales.
- That could lead to a dependence on exports to boost growth.
- Part of this new dependence may be loneliness, of course.
- But in addition to these distinctive characters, living matter has some other peculiarities, the chief of which are the dependence of all its activities upon moisture and upon heat, within a limited range of temperature, and the fact that it usually possesses a certain structure or organization.
- But in 1817, at the outbreak of the Pindari War, a treaty of dependence was concluded between the chief and the British government.
- the dependence of our medical schools on grant funds