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dentures - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dentures in Hindi

  • डेन्चर

dentures Definition


  • a removable plate or frame holding one or more artificial teeth.

dentures Example

  • Everyone who wears dentures will have candida, without necessarily suffering any ill effects. ( हर कोई जो डेन्चर पहनता है उसे कैंडिडा होगा, बिना किसी दुष्प्रभाव के। )
  • The teeth for complete dentures are normally set by dental technicians. ( पूर्ण डेन्चर के लिए दांत आमतौर पर दंत तकनीशियनों द्वारा निर्धारित किए जाते हैं। )
  • Poorly fitting dentures can cause you to swallow excess air when you eat and drink. ( खराब फिटिंग वाले डेन्चर के कारण आप खाते-पीते समय अतिरिक्त हवा निगल सकते हैं। )
  • Such things as root canals, crowns, dentures, partials, and bridges are considered major dentistry by some insurance providers and may be excluded from coverage. ( रूट कैनाल, क्राउन, डेन्चर, पार्टिकल और ब्रिज जैसी चीजों को कुछ बीमा प्रदाताओं द्वारा प्रमुख दंत चिकित्सा माना जाता है और इसे कवरेज से बाहर रखा जा सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • A prosthodontist specializes in replacing missing teeth, most commonly involved in dentures, bridges and implants.
  • Mouth ulcers are common and are usually due to trauma such as from ill fitting dentures, fractured teeth, or fillings.  
  • Like anyone of my generation, I guess, I have an absolute horror of false teeth, dental plates, dentures.  
  • The crowns, bridges or dentures are generally easily replaced, providing the implant underneath is not damaged.  
  • Devices such as dentures and guide dogs help people bridge the gap between what they want to do and what their physical health allows them to do.
  • Nicorette gum may stick to dental caps, partial bridges, or dentures.
  • They also repair chipped teeth, prescribe dentures, and perform root canals.
  • Uncle Hobart clicked his dentures at me, looking somewhat contrite.
  • I heard him clicking his dentures in annoyance and smiled to myself.
  • Tasty ones, please, she said with a grin, revealing her gold-capped dentures.
  • Uncle Hobart clicked his dentures in annoyance, pointing his tankard at the television.
  • I didn't answer and he clicked his dentures in annoyance, searching for another opening.
  • Mumbling, and listening to Stu and happy tuk-tuk’s laughter ringing in his ears, Spock trudged towards his dentures and shit pile.
  • I’d just finiahed and was standing back to admire my work when Uncle Hobart breezed into the room, clicking his dentures as usual.
  • Happy tuk-tuk put the two halves of Spock’s dentures into a plastic bag and received a short clip from Spock for killing his dentures.
  • The train gathered speed, rattling his dentures across the hard plastic surface of the table with a noise reminiscent of demented castanets.
  • Pon repositioned his arms behind his back and disposed of Spock’s dentures between the seat folds, much to the exasperation of Spock, who said aloud.
  • Out of a jumble of bodies came hands clutching bottles, dentures bared in brays of Republican laughter, teeth freaky in their perfection, like Chiclets.
  • With a 24-hour turn-around time, the new set of dentures would be the finishing touch to the team’s masterpiece, the new ‘queen of the street,’ Mrs.
  • Some people get implants to replace a dental bridge or dentures.
  • Implants, dentures, same day relines and repair are provided.
  • In addition, if you wear dentures or have other dental issues, visit your dentist before traveling overseas.
  • There are other dental procedures, such as crowns and dentures, that may be partially covered but this also depends on the policy you purchase.