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dentist - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dentist in Hindi

  • दंत चिकित्सक


  • डेंटिस्ट
  • दांत का डाक्टर

dentist Definition


  • a person qualified to treat the diseases and conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones.

dentist Example

  •  This was even more fascinating than the drill that the family dentist worked with his foot. ( यह उस ड्रिल से भी अधिक आकर्षक था जो परिवार के दंत चिकित्सक ने अपने पैर से किया था। )
  • I was being sat on by the dentist and his assistant, and the latter had a black eye. ( मुझे दंत चिकित्सक और उनके सहायक द्वारा बैठाया जा रहा था, और बाद वाले की आंख काली थी। )
  • The dentist should be asked to help straighten the teeth as soon as they appear crooked. ( जैसे ही दांत टेढ़े दिखाई देते हैं, दंत चिकित्सक को दांतों को सीधा करने में मदद करने के लिए कहा जाना चाहिए। )
  • One pilot described it well by saying that it is like going to the dentist every day. ( एक पायलट ने इसका बखूबी वर्णन करते हुए कहा कि यह हर दिन डेंटिस्ट के पास जाने जैसा है। )

More Sentence

  • One is an aerospace engineer and the other a dentist.
  • There is a dentist there and a hair stylist over there.
  • This chatty dentist was starting to make his head spin.
  • I even use this principle in connection with the dentist.
  • Pan Vrublevsky turned out to be an uncertificated dentist.
  • I bumped into Vikram this weekend, a handsome dentist with a thriving practice.  
  • In nonfluoridated areas, your child's doctor or dentist may prescribe fluoride drops, tablets, or vitamins.
  • I think of the Marathon Man scene where the dentist drills Dustin Hoffman's teeth without an anesthetic.  
  • Would you rather have your teeth drilled by a dentist than make or follow a list?  
  • Further, direct supervision is provided by an RN, operating physician, licensed podiatrist, or licensed dentist.
  • That afternoon the Army dentist yanked seven of his teeth.
  • Our dentist is up there too, around level fifteen, I think.
  • It looked more like a dentist chair, albeit an ancient one.
  • Jenny asked him, What are you, a doctor or a dentist?
  • It is used for grindstones of all sizes, including those the dentist uses on your teeth.
  • The dentist placed him in a chair, and in a few moments he had pulled out his two front teeth.
  • I took my hat and left, and the dentist laughed heartily every time he met me afterwards.
  • There lives no more of Western call for a dentist than for one who paints flowers upon silks.
  • A Bellingham dentist put whole nuts into his false-teeth baking oven in the evening.