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demarcate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of demarcate in Hindi


  • हदबंदी करना
  • विभाजक रेखा रखना
  •  सीमा स्थिर करना
  • तक़सीम करना
  • सीमांकन करना
  • चिह्नित करना
  • सीमा निर्धारण करना
  • निर्धारित करना

demarcate Definition


  • set the boundaries or limits of.

demarcate Example

  • She was convinced that the school’s administration should demarcate social studies grades from science grades. ( वह आश्वस्त थी कि स्कूल के प्रशासन को विज्ञान के ग्रेड से सामाजिक अध्ययन ग्रेड का सीमांकन करना चाहिए। )
  • The arrowheads demarcate the two antibody positive bands with estimated M r of 43 and 45K. ( एरोहेड्स 43 और 45K के अनुमानित एम आर के साथ दो एंटीबॉडी पॉजिटिव बैंड का सीमांकन करते हैं। )
  • It is rather how to demarcate reasonable science from irrational ideologies, such as astrology and racist nationalisms. ( बल्कि यह है कि तर्कसंगत विज्ञान को तर्कहीन विचारधाराओं से कैसे अलग किया जाए, जैसे ज्योतिष और जातिवादी राष्ट्रवाद। )
  • Additional, manage the demarcate sex of deadline namely. ( अतिरिक्त, अर्थात् समय सीमा के सीमांकन लिंग का प्रबंधन करें। )

More Sentence

  • Transparency will demarcate the value creators and destroyers.
  • It don't need demarcate again through diluting directly when using standard solution of sodium thiosulfate, that has been tested in experiments.
  • Verification or falsification alone is not enough to demarcate science.
  • Demarcate port is received, the user needs identity test and verify.
  • The fence was put in place to demarcate one piece of property from the next.  
  • Out at Hillside the stones that demarcate the territory of an old-fashioned house are new and snowily whitewashed.  
  • General Liu and I proposed to demarcate south of the Taiping.  
  • Second, it helps demarcate many types of involuntariness that historically have raised concerns.
  • The farmer was determined to demarcate his fields in an effort to keep out his neighbor’s cattle.  
  • Did Manu when he described these different castes demarcate a caste that had not its place in the evolution of life, that had not something to teach?
  • We will demarcate the land, but first we need maps to show where the boundary stakes should go.  
  • Because the room was so small, it was necessary to demarcate the space so that both roommates had individual areas.