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deliberate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deliberate in Hindi

  • विचार
  • जानबूझकर
  • पर्यालोचन करना
  • विमर्श करना
  • विमर्शी
  • सविचार
  • विचारपूर्वक
  • इच्छित
  • पहले से सोचा हुआ
  • सुचिन्तित
  • सोचा-समझा
  • जान-बूझकर किया हुआ
  • विचार करना

deliberate Definition


  • done consciously and intentionally.


  • engage in long and careful consideration.

deliberate Example

  • It was a calculated, deliberate move to wipe out the wealthy. ( यह अमीरों का सफाया करने के लिए एक सुविचारित, जानबूझकर किया गया कदम था। )
  • It was deliberate. ( यह जानबूझकर किया गया था। )
  • She shrugged with as much elegance as she could muster, and eyed him with deliberate interest. ( वह उतनी ही शान से शरमाती थी, जितनी वह जुटा सकती थी, और उसे जानबूझकर दिलचस्पी से देखती थी। )
  • Do you think that was deliberate?  ( क्या आपको लगता है कि यह जानबूझकर किया गया था? )
  • The deliberate dance was methodical. ( जानबूझकर किया गया नृत्य व्यवस्थित था। )

More Sentence

  • The request for a monarchy is a deliberate offence against Yahweh (viii.
  • The act had the appearance of a deliberate offence to the king, who was on bad terms with his son.
  • Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.  
  • Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.
  • During the teacher’s meeting, we were asked to deliberate our testing goals for the school year.
  • She has a slow, deliberate way of talking.
  • Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.
  • The attack on him was quite deliberate.
  • Rostov was a truthful young man and would on no account have told a deliberate lie.
  • This was a deliberate piece of misinformation.
  • Because the millionaire does not want to invest in an unprofitable deal, he will deliberate your proposal before making a decision.
  • He was deliberate in his speech and action.
  • We should deliberate what to do tomorrow.
  • I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.
  • His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation.
  • He did it in a deliberate manner.
  • That was a deliberate misquotation of what I said.
  • Since the sixty question final exam must be finished within two hours, Ana knows she can only deliberate each question for two minutes.
  • Government sources denied there had been a deliberate cover-up.
  • His move was too deliberate to be other than planned.
  • And the majority recognized the deliberate purpose lying behind his calmest assurance.
  • I suspect her of a deliberate intention of achieving parallel results by parallel methods.
  • The count was moving with deliberate steps, the imaginary winding-sheet dragging slowly after him.
  • In the American domestic evolution a scientific and deliberate factor has been introduced.
  • It is fate itself, swift as disaster, deliberate as retribution, incomprehensible as destiny.