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dejection - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dejection in Hindi

  • उदासी
  •  निराशा
  • खिन्नता
  • अवसाद
  • बेदिली
  • खेद
  • विषाद
  • विषण्‍णता
  • उत्‍साह-हीनता

dejection Definition


  • a sad and depressed state; low spirits.

dejection Example

  • He was slumped in deep dejection ( वह गहरी निराशा में डूब गया था )
  • He relieved his dejection ' Ouvres, i. ( उन्होंने अपनी निराशा को दूर किया ' ओवेरेस, i. )
  • The whole soul of the poet is reflected in the Ode to Dejection. ( ओड टू डिजेक्शन में कवि की पूरी आत्मा परिलक्षित होती है। )
  • With painful dejection he awaited the end of this action, in which he regarded himself as a participant and which he was unable to arrest. ( दर्दनाक निराशा के साथ उन्होंने इस कार्रवाई के अंत की प्रतीक्षा की, जिसमें उन्होंने खुद को एक भागीदार के रूप में माना और जिसे वे गिरफ्तार करने में असमर्थ थे। )  
  • The dejection on the American side was equally vivid and demonstrative. ( अमेरिकी पक्ष में निराशा समान रूप से ज्वलंत और प्रदर्शनकारी थी। )

More Sentence

  • Surprise, veiled dejection and dreams of getting out of debt.
  • The Clinton sex-and-deception scandal ends in dejection.
  • Dejection _ and disgust for the hate that caused this tragedy.
  • It wasn’t that, Alex said reassuringly but with dejection.
  • As time went by, the myth faded into our misery and our dejection.
  • David walked back to the house-office, trying to hide his dejection.
  • I don’t know, he said with a sense of dejection and defeat.
  • Her mind did become settled, but it was settled in a gloomy dejection.
  • Yeah, Alex answered with a trace of dejection in his tone, go.
  • Hopkins's brow was clouded, and he sat down with an air of deep dejection.
  • He has perfected that final-round look of utter dejection.
  • In the post-famine era dejection led to mass emigration.
  • Her dejection and conviction are too strong to consider his change.
  • Madame, Charlotte and Gabrielle soon return in state of dejection.
  • He cast himself into a chair with such an air of dejection as made me pity him from my heart.
  • Over few lives have the clouds of mental dejection hung in such heavy unmoving banks.
  • All glow was gone, and hope and excitement had yielded to dejection and despair.
  • Balmoral, her dejection at the thought of leaving it, constantly broke out in her letters to me.
  • She turned back into the house, and sat down in utter dejection by the kitchen table.
  • He made a gesture of dejection and shifted his feet uneasily, as if impatient at being detained.
  • His health, too, began to fail him, and he sank into a state of great dejection and despondency.
  • But that only underscores the dejection among the Peres supporters.
  • He did not have to utter a syllable to express his dejection.
  • He left Rome at the end of March 58, and arrived on the 23rd of May at Thessalonica, where he remained in the deepest dejection until the end of November, when he went to Dyrrhachium (Durazzo) awaiting his recall.
  • I sat in silent dejection until the stipulated time had passed.