definitely - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of definitely in Hindi
definitely Definition
- without doubt (used for emphasis).
definitely Example
- we couldn't plan to go elsewhere until we had heard from you more definitely ( हम कहीं और जाने की योजना नहीं बना सकते थे जब तक कि हमने आपसे और निश्चित रूप से नहीं सुना था )
- I think you still need someone here, but you're definitely getting better. ( मुझे लगता है कि आपको अभी भी यहां किसी की जरूरत है, लेकिन आप निश्चित रूप से बेहतर हो रहे हैं। )
- She definitely didn't expect the decision to be so hard. ( उसने निश्चित रूप से इस फैसले के इतने कठिन होने की उम्मीद नहीं की थी। )
- Just how the manganese dioxide brings about this result is not definitely known. ( मैंगनीज डाइऑक्साइड यह परिणाम कैसे लाता है, यह निश्चित रूप से ज्ञात नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- Precisely what that implied, may not have been definitely understood by any of them.
- Well, I'm definitely not a fighter, anyway.
- And definitely protect him better than last week against the Saints.
- This is definitely one of the lowest points of my career,
- I'm definitely not worried about my shot ."
- That definitely could be a reason why field goals are down,
- Every man was to be definitely related to that, to have his predominant duty to that.
- At the top stairs a tiny waft of earth turned her definitely into the first doorway.
- The boyishness in him which had been one of his charms, was passing away definitely and forever.
- By this time, it was definitely proved that as a means of coercion the embargo was worthless.
- "Definitely not," she snapped.
- Times had definitely changed.
- If the serum is always definitely clear, there may be grounds for believing that an excess is being used.
- The moon now blazed out, as though at last it had definitely decided to throw its weight in against the fugitive.
- He set before himself very definitely just what he wanted to do, and he went to work about it with a patience worthy of a better aim.
- So I definitely think we have a good shot at it.
- "There's definitely been an improvement,"
- A . Absolutely, 1, 000 percent definitely not guilty.
- The four starters definitely need to step it up a notch,
- In most of the cases there was nothing to indicate with what the child was whipped, but in five it was definitely stated that a strap was used.
- The characteristic is their habit of thrift, of definitely adopting money-making as an aim, of spending less than they earn.
- And anyway, Cade definitely isn't romantically interested in me, so there's absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
- He was definitely improving in that area.
- He's definitely cranking up his action.
- I will definitely be at the airport to meet you