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defied - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of defied in Hindi

  • अवहेलना करना
  • उपेक्षा करना
  • चुनौती देना
  • ललकारना
  • अनादर करना
  • तुच्छ जानना
  • उपद्रव उत्पन्न करना

defied Definition


  • openly resist or refuse to obey.

defied Example

  • His shoulders moved with a graceful swing that defied the quick step. ( उसके कंधे एक सुंदर झूले के साथ आगे बढ़े जिसने तेज कदम को चुनौती दी। )
  • Still she defied him. ( फिर भी उसने उसकी अवहेलना की। )
  • Flying downhill produced an exhilaration that defied explanation. ( नीचे की ओर उड़ते हुए एक उत्साह उत्पन्न हुआ जिसने स्पष्टीकरण की अवहेलना की। )
  • There is something gratifying in hubris defied and punished. ( अभिमान की अवहेलना और दंडित करने में कुछ संतुष्टिदायक है। )

More Sentence

  • The medical student defied description: he was simply a Fokin.
  • If there were things out there that defied explanation, then.
  • Bradley had provided for them, a few nuns who’d defied the US.
  • There was a sense of seen before, a gleam that defied analysis.
  • Caris was always intrigued to hear of women who defied the rules.
  • in the British Museum which had defied all other interpreters.
  • I defied Death to rescue her.
  • She stepped closer to him as she had in their dream, gazing up into his molten silver eyes.  He'd gone to Hell for Hannah and confronted Death for her.  He'd killed demons to protect her and defied his family to find – and keep – her.
  • Paul has defied gravity, having produced 28 straight full years of wins.
  • The behavior of the long-term debt to capital indicator (LTD/CAP) defied.
  • But Pharaoh defied the Messenger, so We seized him with a terrible seizing.
  • They repelled him and defied him: there was no passion in them, no rapture.
  • I defied him, although I felt no assurance that he might not do this thing.
  • The creation he saw was hideous in a way that defied that simple description.
  • In the great upheaval of the Renaissance and the Reformation it was certain to be defied.
  • It is not strange that these fortifications defied the assaults of barbarism upon the civilized life of the world for more than a thousand years.
  • But here constitutional growth ceased: the law-making body made few and unimportant modifications of custom; the courts were too weak for the chiefs who misused and defied them; the speaker's power was not sufficiently supported; even the ecclesiastical innovations, while they secured peace for a time, provoked in the end the struggles which put an end to the commonwealth.
  • The instants of contact between the limbs of the sun and planet defied precise determination.