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defers - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of defers in Hindi


  • टालना
  • रख देना
  • रखना
  • अलग रखना
  • टाल देना
  • मलतवी करना
  • देर करना
  • विलंब करना
  • अब-तब करना

defers Definition


  • put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
  • submit humbly to (a person or a person's wishes or qualities).

defers Example

  • There was still no improvement in the countess' health, but it was impossible to defer the journey to Moscow any longer. ( काउंटेस के स्वास्थ्य में अभी भी कोई सुधार नहीं हुआ था, लेकिन अब मास्को की यात्रा को स्थगित करना असंभव था।  )
  • Defer a monthly payment without interest or finance charges. ( बिना ब्याज या वित्त शुल्क के मासिक भुगतान स्थगित करें। )
  • Hilden might defer to him in her absence, but Taran knew where the loyalty of most of the men lay. ( उसकी अनुपस्थिति में हिल्डेन उसे टाल सकता था, लेकिन तरण जानता था कि अधिकांश पुरुषों की वफादारी कहाँ है। )
  • You can send the cards immediately or defer them for up to 60 days. ( आप कार्ड तुरंत भेज सकते हैं या उन्हें 60 दिनों तक के लिए स्थगित कर सकते हैं। )
  • We should defer to the tyranny of the majority. ( हमें बहुमत के अत्याचार को टालना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • His visit he would now defer; but they had a very interesting parley about what could be done and should be done.
  • It means many firms are now choosing to defer their large upfront IT payments over the longer term.
  • Later on Tuesday, Curley made a motion to defer further consideration of the health budget until his questions could be answered.
  • If possible, defer to your teen when it comes to styles and colors.
  • You can defer the federal taxes on the interest until the bond matures or until you cash in the bond.
  • My joyful sentence you defer too long.
  • Shall we defer it, dear?
  • I must no longer defer my explanation!
  • But let me defer these painful matters as long as possible.
  • Why, then, should we defer the declaration?
  • The Dorriens had been obliged to defer their foreign trip.
  • Other homeowners, not willing to make a complete investment, are still using solar power to decrease global warming by purchasing products such as solar power roof vents and attic fans to defer some of their energy footprint.