defamatory - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of defamatory in Hindi
- अपवादक
- मानहानिकारक
- अपकीर्तिकर
- अपयशकारी
- अपवादक
- अपवादात्मक
- अपमान करनेवाला
defamatory Definition
- (of remarks, writing, etc.) damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libelous.
defamatory Example
- Courts may grant injunctions to stop defamatory publications which would prejudice pending criminal trials. ( अदालतें मानहानिकारक प्रकाशनों को रोकने के लिए निषेधाज्ञा दे सकती हैं जो लंबित आपराधिक मुकदमों पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव डालेंगे। )
- Can teachers sue administrators for defamatory statements made in letters of recommendation or on evaluation forms? ( क्या शिक्षक अनुशंसा पत्रों या मूल्यांकन प्रपत्रों में दिए गए मानहानिकारक बयानों के लिए प्रशासकों पर मुकदमा कर सकते हैं? )
- Pitka claimed that these words were false and defamatory and sued the newspaper for libel. ( पिटका ने दावा किया कि ये शब्द झूठे और मानहानिकारक थे और अखबार पर मानहानि का मुकदमा किया। )
- The politician’s defamatory comments were untrue but still ruined his opponent’s standing in the community. ( राजनेता की मानहानिकारक टिप्पणियां असत्य थीं लेकिन फिर भी समुदाय में उनके प्रतिद्वंद्वी की स्थिति को बर्बाद कर दिया। )
More Sentence
- Damerini did not specify exactly which Crossland comments Mediaset considered defamatory.
- And, someone scattered defamatory leaflet in front of her house.
- Liability will not extend where a defamatory imputation was drawn unreasonably.
- The definition currently being considered is completely unfair and even defamatory.
- You should find my defamatory material to now be properly sourced.
- I have stubbed this article to get of uncited defamatory material.
- There was no sourced, non-defamatory content to save.
- It's difficult to see defamatory in a sentence .
- Gretchen threatened to sue the author over the slanderous and defamatory comments she made about Gretchen.
- Although the tabloid’s comments were defamatory, the celebrity tried to ignore the damage the sleazy stories were doing to his reputation.
- An assertion is not defamatory simply because it is untrue - it must lower the victim in the eyes of right-thinking citizens.
- He described the article as grossly defamatory ... and said the case contained the essentials of a malicious falsehood action.
- An imputation against a woman's chastity is defamatory.
- a defamatory allegation