deface - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deface in Hindi
- बदनाम करना
- बिगाड़ देना
- बिगाड़ करना
- बिगाड़ना
- नुक़सान पहुंचाना
- हानि पहुंच देना
- कलंकित करना
- ग़लत मानी लेना
- ख़राब करना
- तोड़ना-मरोड़ना
- विकृत करना
- विरूपित करना
- मोहर लगाना
- मुहर लगाना
deface Definition
- spoil the surface or appearance of (something), for example by drawing or writing on it.
deface Example
- They used spray paint to deface the professor’s portrait. ( उन्होंने प्रोफेसर के चित्र को खराब करने के लिए स्प्रे पेंट का इस्तेमाल किया। )
- If unguarded, thugs will deface the monument. ( अगर सुरक्षा नहीं की गई, तो ठग स्मारक को विकृत कर देंगे। )
- The mock historian will deface history with his undocumented book. ( नकली इतिहासकार अपनी अनिर्दिष्ट पुस्तक से इतिहास को विकृत कर देगा। )
- Yet they knew that the Massachusett Indians, for example, considered it impious and inhumane to deface the monuments of the dead. ( फिर भी वे जानते थे कि मासचुसेट भारतीयों ने, उदाहरण के लिए, मृतकों के स्मारकों को विरूपित करना अपवित्र और अमानवीय माना। )
More Sentence
- If you deface and wreck your countryside with dirty great turbines it is obvious that you will turn visitors away.
- They do so because their market is hardly a market at all compared with the forest of For Sale signs which deface Britain.
- We are fighting back against the litter louts, the illegal fly-tippers and fly-posters and the vandals who deface the city with graffiti.
- Equally irksome, however, is the trend for outpourings of cloying sentimentality that deface the personal columns at this time of year.
- Get a deck of cards, deface a picture card with felt tip or crayon or whatever so it looks silly.
- A vandal would have to go out, buy some Liquid Paper and paint the mustache out in order to deface it.
- Could a long career of guilt and shame thus deface and obliterate that divine and godlike image, in which man was formed?
- Students miss the soul of Bach because of the soulless, mechanical way in which they deface his legacy to them.
- Man cannot commit a crime that can so far deface the image of his Maker impressed upon him as to reduce him to the level of a beast of prey.
- But I would have it used chiefly by the older scholars, who, if the teachers are not in the fault, will rarely deface it.
- The four scenes of rough and rank buffoonery which deface this act and the two following have given very reasonable offence to critics from whom they have provoked very unreasonable reflections.
- This charter concluded with solemn imprecations against all who should in time to come, dare to deface or to demolish any part of the building, or to infringe the rights of its priesthood.
- The defacement competition challenges crackers to deface as many as 6,000 sites in the shortest time possible to win the contest.
- The Act also covers persons who knowingly or wilfully destroy, deface or conceal from the Revenue any documents.
- Just as people shouldn't drop litter, they shouldn't deface the city with graffiti, and ways need to be found of persuading them to stop doing it.
- Each coin has one side smoothed down flat and in theory this should be the tails side of the coin since it is illegal to deface an image of the monarch in England.
- Oscar was arrested for attempting to deface the flag.
- Graves were defaced at the local cemetery, putting people on edge.