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deep-sea - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deep-sea in Hindi

  • गहरा समुद्र
  • महासागर का

deep-sea Definition


  • the deeper parts of the ocean, especially those beyond the edge of the continental shelf.

deep-sea Example

  • The chief industries include coast and deep-sea fisheries, shipbuilding, tanning, the making of cod-liver oil and fish-curing. ( मुख्य उद्योगों में तट और गहरे समुद्र में मत्स्य पालन, जहाज निर्माण, कमाना, कॉड-लिवर तेल का निर्माण और मछली का इलाज शामिल है। )
  • Deep-sea and coast fishing for cod, herring and mackerel employ over 1000 of the inhabitants. ( कॉड, हेरिंग और मैकेरल के लिए गहरे समुद्र और तट पर मछली पकड़ने से 1000 से अधिक निवासियों को रोजगार मिलता है। )
  • This was deep sea fishing at its best. ( यह अपने सबसे अच्छे रूप में गहरे समुद्र में मछली पकड़ना था। )    
  • Only the occasional deep sea fish broke the illusion . ( केवल सामयिक गहरे समुद्र में मछली ने भ्रम को तोड़ा। )

More Sentence

  • Additional charges for deep sea fishing and scuba diving nearby.
  • You can select between bottom fishing or deep sea fishing.
  • We had two great deep sea fishing trips last year.
  • On a Deep-sea Cruise or maybe just playing in the snow.
  • It said a silent hello to the flatulent crabs which populated the deep-sea vents.
  • Scout was blown out to sea by a fierce storm while so young that he was barely old enough to fly, and was found floating in the ocean, half dead, by a crew of dwarves who were deep-sea fishing.
  • They were experimenting with pressure adaptable specimens, for deep-sea work, with high altitude compensation for space construction, and even skeletal enhancements to build a ‘perfect warrior’.
  • The deep sea is Earth’s last great wilderness.
  • deep sea benthic fish are usually long and narrow.
  • Fishing in the district include inland fishing and deep sea fishing.
  • The deep-sea fishing industry of the town is important, the fishing fleet in 1902 numbering 67 vessels.
  • The earliest deep-sea sounding on record is that of cruise in the North Pacific, sounding out lines for a projected Captain Phipps on the 4th of September 1773 in the Norwegian Pacific cable.