deep-rooted - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deep-rooted in Hindi
- गहरी
- आरोपित हो गया
- आरोपित हुआ
deep-rooted Definition
- firmly embedded in thought, behaviour, or culture, and so having a persistent influence.
deep-rooted Example
- When he displays affection, it is a deep-rooted affection. ( जब वह स्नेह प्रदर्शित करता है, तो वह गहरी जड़ें जमा लेता है। )
- As a consequence, deep-rooted discontent rapidly arose. ( नतीजतन, गहरी जड़ें तेजी से उठीं। )
- The woman’s deep-rooted hatred for her neighbor had started when she was just a child. ( महिला की अपने पड़ोसी के प्रति गहरी नफरत तब शुरू हो गई थी जब वह सिर्फ एक बच्ची थी। )
- Because of her deep-rooted belief’s the woman refused to believe other gods existed. ( अपने गहरे विश्वास के कारण महिला ने अन्य देवताओं के अस्तित्व पर विश्वास करने से इनकार कर दिया। )
More Sentence
- Racist ideas were deep-rooted in the family, causing them to have hatred in their hearts for many generations.
- deep-rooted fear for himself, and Marian, infused him.
- deep-rooted social causes of drug misuse are being ignored.
- It was a pre-planned, deep rooted conspiracy to demolish the disputed structure,
- But others are deep rooted to Azerbaijan's pre-Islamic history, religion and culture.
- Russia has always had nationalistic tendencies and a deep rooted xenophobia.
- "It's symptomatic that the problems may be more deep rooted ."
- His deep rooted aesthetics of the sub-continental culture bond us to the past.
- So, culture is deep rooted in the history of a society.
- She understands how deep-rooted religious, social and cultural practices influence the reception of technology in homes.
- Here is the offering of a modern nation, vibrant, on the go, on one side, and which has a deep-rooted history, culture and ecology on the other.
- After all, changing ideas deep-rooted in tradition and culture is quite a long process.
- Campaigners say there are deep-rooted cultural problems within the army that must be exposed and tackled.
- In some quarters, the prospect of consolidated communities provokes a deep-rooted fear of losing local control and community identity.
- This ruling view is now so deep-rooted in our culture that few bother to question its effects.
- It may have been that this breakdown was an unbearable coming together of many deep-rooted, complex fears and anxieties.
- As an Indian, I am proud to be part of a culture, which has deep-rooted family values.
- This assumption is so deep-rooted in our culture that it is barely questioned.
- He had begun pacing the cave, a nervous habit of his, stopping at the end of his speech to stare at Marcy with deep-rooted concern.
- And as much as we might admire her deep-rooted hatred of collectivism, her philosophy is still just another utopian dream, a transvalued Marxism.
- These days, his collection reveals a deep-rooted appreciation of traditional songcraft.
- The differences between the Taliban and its enemies are deep rooted.
- This is Sana's debut picture wherein the protagonist hails from deep rooted village class.
- There are, of course, deep rooted and complicated POV issues concerning Cuba and Wikipedia.
- It has to have deep rooted values within each individual.
- deep-rooted sense in our country that somehow all is not quite right.