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decimal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of decimal in Hindi

  • दशमलव
  • दशमिक
  • दशांश
  • दशमलव भिन्न्

decimal Definition


  • relating to or denoting a system of numbers and arithmetic based on the number ten, tenth parts, and powers of ten.


  • a fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed by figures placed to the right of a decimal point.

decimal Example

  • decimal coinage ( दशमलव सिक्का ) 
  • But all they have to do is move the decimal point. ( लेकिन उन्हें बस इतना करना है कि दशमलव बिंदु को आगे बढ़ाया जाए। )
  • Instituting smaller fractions blunts criticism that stocks should trade in decimals. ( छोटे अंशों की स्थापना इस आलोचना को कुंद कर देती है कि शेयरों को दशमलव में व्यापार करना चाहिए। )
  • Decimals seek to narrow trading spreads between buying and selling prices. ( दशमलव खरीदने और बेचने की कीमतों के बीच व्यापार के फैलाव को कम करना चाहते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • C'mon, it's only one decimal place!
  • the computer converts the initial data from decimal to binary
  • The system is decimal; thus 100 pfcnnige = I mark, 1000 pfennige = the gold krone (or crown), and Id.
  • A Decimal Association was formed in 1854, but did not make very much headway.
  • Before the introduction of the decimal monetary system the peseta was the fifth part of a peso dare, which was equal to 20 re i/es de velion, or rather more than a 5-franc piece.
  • Most of Quinn's numbers carried out four decimal points, such as "44.9064" but others extended as high as six places.
  • Pi is believed to have an infinite number of decimal places.
  • "We won't have a decimal point discussion.
  • The NYSE has been gradually phasing in decimal trading since August.
  • Since Snow Leopard, file sizes are reported with decimal prefixes.
  • Scotch salmon at Billingsgate was then fetching 2s 6d [15p in decimal coinage] a pound wholesale.
  • During the 1960s the Irish government decided to adopt a decimal currency like many of its European neighbors.
  • Query: Does anyone know how to do the recurring decimal in Word, where you put the dot over the number?
  • The regime didn't like the 12-base, or duodecimal, calendar, so it tried to impose a decimal calendar.  
  • You can use the same algorithm as long division in decimal, but the values will go in either one time or 0 times.  
  • It also gave tables of natural sine functions to 15 decimal places, and the tan and sec functions to 10 decimal places.  
  • Topics considered include addition and subtraction of decimal numbers followed by multiplication and division of decimal numbers.  
  • If you use the second hand of your watch, you will need to convert minutes and seconds into a decimal value.
  • You can do this using either decimal or hex numbers.
  • decimal coded, in units of bps, e.g. 2400 specifies the lowest rate to be 2400.
  • A PL /SQL function to convert decimal to hex is described in a separate note.
  • decimal arithmetic