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deciduous - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deciduous in Hindi

  • झड़नेवाला
  • पर्णपाती
  • पतझड़ी
  • पाती
  • अस्थायी
  • पतनशील
  • झड़नेवाला
  • गिरनेवाला
  • झड़ जानेवाला
  • अनित्य

deciduous Definition


  • (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually.

deciduous Example

  • this is the period when the deciduous teeth are being shed ( यह वह अवधि है जब पर्णपाती दांत बहाए जा रहे हैं )
  • Small, thin, deciduous scales equally cover nearly the entire body. ( छोटे, पतले, पर्णपाती तराजू लगभग पूरे शरीर को समान रूप से कवर करते हैं। )
  • The best season for transplanting deciduous trees is during the early autumn months. ( पर्णपाती पेड़ों की रोपाई के लिए सबसे अच्छा मौसम शुरुआती शरद ऋतु के महीनों के दौरान होता है। )
  • The higher elevations are covered by dense forests of fir and larch, and the lower slopes with deciduous trees. ( उच्च ऊंचाई वाले देवदार और लर्च के घने जंगलों और पर्णपाती पेड़ों के साथ निचली ढलानों से आच्छादित हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The forests are composed of the birch, oak and other deciduous trees, the soil is dry, and the woodlands are divided by green prairies.
  • Cuttings of deciduous plants should be taken off after the fall of the leaf.
  • Those of us with deciduous trees loathe this time of year.
  • Hold off planting deciduous trees until their leaves have fallen off.
  • Two of the teeth are deciduous but one molar has erupted.
  • As the deciduous plants head into summer, the red disappears.
  • These trees are all medium-sized deciduous trees ranging tall.
  • Deciduous plants lose their leaves; evergreens curtail all new growth.
  • The basic ecosystem type of the area is temperate deciduous forest.
  • Deciduous forests are usually occupied only in early stages of succession.
  • The soil when reclaimed is well adapted for forage crops, cereals, vegetables and deciduous fruits.
  • Sequoia (which had already appeared in the American Upper Cretaceous) and the deciduous cypress (Taxodium distichum) are found in Europe.
  • The meroola (sclerocarya caffra) a medium sized deciduous tree with a rounded spreading top is found in the low veld and up the slopes to a height of 4500 ft.
  • Finish the pruning of all deciduous trees and hedges as soon as possible.
  • Deciduous trees are often seen growing in.
  • The trees were mainly deciduous and they were now just bursting into leaf.
  • The large mature deciduous trees shaded the yards and streets, providing some relief from the scorching sun.
  • On the high plateau the larch predominates over all other species of conifers or deciduous trees; the wide, open valleys are thickly planted with Betula nana and B.
  • sun-loving deciduous trees like aspen