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decided - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of decided in Hindi

  • निर्णय लिया
  • स्पष्ट
  • फ़ैसलाकुन
  • कड़ा
  • दृढ़
  • पक्का
  • ठीक
  • निपटाया हुआ
  • विनिश्चित
  • निर्णीत
  • निश्चित

decided Definition


  • (of a quality) definite; unquestionable.

decided Example

  • He decided on international relations. ( उन्होंने अंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंधों पर फैसला किया। )
  • I decided on telling her of my love. ( मैंने उसे अपने प्यार के बारे में बताने का फैसला किया। )
  • We decided on a trip to Singapore for our vacation. ( हमने अपनी छुट्टी के लिए सिंगापुर की यात्रा का फैसला किया। )
  • He decided on the red car. ( उसने लाल कार पर फैसला किया। )

More Sentence

  • She looked at several dresses and decided on the most expensive one.
  • He decided on that.
  • A central issue here is in deciding where 'continuity' resides.
  • I decided not to leave my tape recorder home.
  • In the event the workers decided to take whatever risk might be involved in displaying the picture.
  • Making the decision : instances of a relatively proactive and planned approach to deciding that placement was needed.
  • Instead, we decided to draw on our own collaborative experiences with the ' aging and society ' paradigm.
  • Eventually, she decided to take over full-time caring, and chose not to renew the contract with the agency.
  • the sunshine is a decided improvement
  • I decided to see for myself.
  • The princess decided to leave on the fifteenth.
  • After he died, she decided to stay here.
  • The smoke proved to be too much for Adrienne and two other girls, so they decided to walk each other home.
  • Before Rostov had decided what to do with him, the officer cried, "I surrender!"
  • Anyway, maybe he decided not to come back.
  • He was silent so long that she decided he wasn't going to answer.
  • Why had he suddenly decided he needed a maid - or was it sudden?
  • he quotes from decided cases
  • you could never talk him around, he was very decided