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decide - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of decide in Hindi

  • तय
  • निर्णय करना
  • फ़ैसला करना
  • भुगतान करना
  • स्थिर करना
  • निर्णय देना
  • निबटारा करना
  • निश्चय करना
  • ठहरना

decide Definition


  • come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration.

decide Example

  • the judge will decide the case ( न्यायाधीश मामले का फैसला करेंगे )
  • we must decide the fates of the people who headed the coup ( हमें तख्तापलट का नेतृत्व करने वाले लोगों के भाग्य का फैसला करना चाहिए )  
  • The prime minister may decide to call an early election.  ( प्रधानमंत्री जल्दी चुनाव कराने का फैसला कर सकते हैं। )
  • The team’s first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged. ( टीम का पहला काम यह तय करना था कि कौन से उपकरण बचाए जा सकते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • It is the Prime Minister’s prerogative to decide when to call an election.
  • Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job.
  • Decide what you want to do; don’t just imitate others.
  • Examine your lifestyle objectively before you decide to choose a pet.
  • Q . How do you decide whether to allow a waiver?
  • First we have to decide what we want out of Raveling.
  • It's difficult to see decide in a sentence .
  • Lightly-armed peacekeepers cannot enforce truces if belligerents decide otherwise.
  • Some owners have yet to decide whether even to attempt repairs.
  • I shall decide for going abroad later.
  • They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.
  • She couldn’t decide whether he was telling the truth or not.
  • We’ll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
  • I will engage for his behavior should you decide to employ him.
  • Think it over carefully before u decide.
  • We have to decide what to do.