deceive - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deceive in Hindi
- धोखा
- धोखा देना
- बहकाना
- झूठ बोलना
- ठगना
- छलना
- छल करना
- मोहना
- ढकोसला करना
- झांसना
- वंचना करना
- प्रवंचना करना
- झांसा देना
deceive Definition
- (of a person) cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage.
deceive Example
- enabling the rulers to deceive themselves about the nature of their own rule ( शासकों को अपने स्वयं के शासन की प्रकृति के बारे में खुद को धोखा देने में सक्षम बनाना )
- You intentionally tried to deceive me. ( तुमने जानबूझकर मुझे धोखा देने की कोशिश की। )
- If you're no longer engaged, why do you have to deceive him? ( यदि आप अब सगाई नहीं कर रहे हैं, तो आपको उसे धोखा क्यों देना है? )
- Oh, I can understand why you would want to deceive people, I just don't understand how you can involve your family in such a thing – especially Tammy! ( ओह, मैं समझ सकता हूं कि आप लोगों को धोखा क्यों देना चाहेंगे, मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि आप अपने परिवार को इस तरह से कैसे शामिल कर सकते हैं - खासकर टैमी! )
More Sentence
- I have learned to know him, and he will not deceive me any more....
- But you are now under the effects of the intoxicating water, and may deceive yourself.
- How should we deceive the nondescript that we called "the roll-call sergeant"?
- Men who deceive men, who break with them contracts made only by word, are ostracized from society.
- Could you so far deceive her easy faith, And leave her to misfortune and distress?
- Yes, if the silence of this rocky desert deceive me not, here I may die in peace.
- Can it be wrong for me too, in my turn, To deceive them, by whom we're all deceiv'd?
- But you deceive yourself if you think we cannot see that these extraordinary and utterly contradictory stories are prompted by sudden panic.
- Being around Lathum had opened his eyes to the number of people who deceive and are deceived.
- Natasha, you would not deceive me?
- He has retreated and ordered the rearguard to kindle fires and make a noise to deceive us.
- Taran, I know who and what you are, even if you choose to deceive me!
- Only, being a woman too honest to deceive herself, she found she could no longer apply the precepts that she had used once to her satisfaction.
- While following the style in which church hymns are composed, I had been able to deceive myself on this point.
- Then the saint forbade Satan that in that vessel he should longer abide, or deceive mankind with so wicked a phantom.
- But people who talk like that either do not know what they are talking about or deliberately deceive themselves.
- Dolgorukov was still insisting that the French had retreated and had only lit fires to deceive us.
- I didn't intend to deceive people into thinking it was French champagne
- everything about him was intended to deceive