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debris - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of debris in Hindi

  • मलबे
  • मलबा
  • अवशेष
  • टूटे हुए टुकड़े
  • कूड़ा-कर्कट
  • कचरा
  • खंडहर
  • भग्नावशेष
  • कूड़ाकर्कट

debris Definition


  • scattered pieces of waste or remains.

debris Example

  • a stable arrangement of planets, comets, and debris orbiting the sun ( सूर्य की परिक्रमा करने वाले ग्रहों, धूमकेतुओं और मलबे की एक स्थिर व्यवस्था )
  • She covered her head as dirt and debris rained over her. ( उसने अपना सिर ढँक लिया क्योंकि उसके ऊपर गंदगी और मलबा बरस रहा था। )
  • I wonder if there is debris blocking it in the back pasture. ( मुझे आश्चर्य है कि क्या मलबा इसे पिछले चरागाह में रोक रहा है। )
  • She trotted through the streets, making her way through rubble and debris to the park in the center of the city. ( वह सड़कों के माध्यम से घूमती रही, शहर के केंद्र में पार्क में मलबे और मलबे के माध्यम से अपना रास्ता बना रही थी। )

More Sentence

  • Several more joined him to clear out debris and the remains of a building.
  • A large Oak tree had fallen across the creek in a narrow deep area, trapping debris in front of it to form a natural dam.
  • Carmen barely had the rope unwrapped from the horn before water and debris shoved the tree further.
  • The ice-sheet wore down from the hills and filled the valleys with debris until the surface has a billowy appearance.
  • The hill itself, like a Tell of Babylonia, is mainly formed of the debris of human settlements.
  • The layer of cork thus formed cuts out the dead debris and serves to, protect the uninjured cells below.
  • Brady repositioned his weapons so he could help and began slinging debris away.
  • It is in this position that free-swimming forms glide over the substratum of organic debris in which they find their food.
  • The huge machine slowly rose and dust and debris filled the air.
  • removes debris from hard to clean places between teeth.
  • Since that time a number of fossil Bacteria, mainly from Palaeozoic strata, have been described by Renault, occurring in all kinds of fossilized vegetable and animal debris.He had no hope of clearing society of the intellectual and moral debris of ages at a stroke.
  • There was a great heap of debris on the floor, and this the boys attacked with a vim.
  • The roof of my cellar is arched brick and has a few tons of fallen debris on the floor upstairs.
  • As they fell clouds of bricks and other debris were thrown in the air; the din was terrific.
  • The burning sheds collapsed like packs of cards, the debris bursting into a series of fires.
  • Inside the room, debris and wreckage were everywhere, and four men were prostrate on the floor.
  • Late that night I found myself alone with Margaret amid the debris of the gathering.
  • Our photographs show: (1) debris of the shattered framework; and (2) wreckage of the cars.
  • The debris cleared, up went my camera, and, standing by the handle, I awaited the next.
  • This points to the mound of debris called Tell-el-Jezari near the village of Abu Shusheh.
  • the bomb hits it, showering debris from all sides
  • clean away any collected dust or debris