debilitate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of debilitate in Hindi
- दुर्बल करना
- बलहीन करना
- कमज़ोर बनाना
- बलहीन बनाना
- ढीला छोड़ना
- कमज़ोर करना
- शक्तिहीन करना
- कमजोर करना
debilitate Definition
- make (someone) weak and infirm.
debilitate Example
- hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities ( हार्ड ड्रग्स परिवारों को नष्ट करते हैं और समुदायों को कमजोर करते हैं )
- It is expected that the illness will debilitate him for at least another week. ( यह उम्मीद की जाती है कि बीमारी उन्हें कम से कम एक और सप्ताह तक कमजोर कर देगी। )
- The self-defense class taught how to debilitate an attacker in any dangerous situation. ( आत्मरक्षा वर्ग ने सिखाया कि किसी भी खतरनाक स्थिति में हमलावर को कैसे कमजोर किया जाए। )
- The drought is expected to debilitate plant growth, so this year will have a smaller harvest than normal. ( सूखे से पौधों की वृद्धि कमजोर होने की आशंका है, इसलिए इस वर्ष सामान्य से कम फसल होगी। )
More Sentence
- A scientist recently discovered a drug that can quickly debilitate the growth of cancer cells.
- Guilt can be a destructive feeling that will debilitate you.
- He continues giving more time to make allowances for the world to tire, debilitate and exhaust its will.
- If civilization survives long enough to genetically debilitate the human species into extinction: then civilization will die: along with the human species.
- The new information released on the political scandal would debilitate his chances of being re-elected.
- A virus can completely debilitate your computer and potentially cause the entire loss of all information.
- The feelings of sadness and remorse over the fight were enough to debilitate Jamie for a few days.
- Tina desired to learn more about how to debilitate her child's poor behavior at home.
- In an attempt to debilitate her opponent on the video game, she moved his weapon so that he couldn't find it.
- The army was unable to debilitate the enemy, so they must now focus solely on defending themselves.
- All four forms of malaria debilitate the patient by destroying human hemoglobin and are characterized by a cycle of fever, chills, and sweating.
- If this protein is so dangerous, why doesn't the body's immune system counteract the effects, or at least debilitate the protein?
- The lack of employment spurs the mass human migrations that so debilitate the district.
- Although lyme disease can debilitate individual wolves, it does not appear to have any significant effect on wolf populations.
- This is of military significance because stopping this flow of information will severely debilitate the function of any such system.
- She didn't want to get glasses but realized her poor eyesight would debilitate her success in class, as she couldn't see the board well.