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death blow - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of death blow in Hindi

  • घातक चोट
  • प्राणघातक आघात

death blow Definition


  • an impact or stroke that causes death.

death blow Example

  • it was Galileo Galilei who dealt the death blow to the geocentric theory ( यह गैलीलियो गैलीली ही थे जिन्होंने भू-केंद्रीय सिद्धांत को मौत का झटका दिया )
  • Our revolution did not deal a death blow to imperialism and settlerism. ( हमारी क्रांति ने साम्राज्यवाद और उपनिवेशवाद को मौत का झटका नहीं दिया। )
  • He rewarded the princes'wives to the soldiers who delivered the death blows. ( उसने उन सैनिकों को राजकुमारों की पत्नियों को पुरस्कृत किया जिन्होंने मौत की सजा दी थी। )
  • That way, they could come back later to deal the death blow. ( इस तरह, वे बाद में मौत के झटके से निपटने के लिए वापस आ सकते थे। )

More Sentence

  • But the warmer winter of 1979-80 proved to be a death blow.
  • Prohibitiondealt it the death blow, and once again, it fell into disrepair.
  • We regret that this traditional industry is about to receive its death blow.
  • He argues that an autopsy proves his client didn't wield the death blow.
  • Such actions will not, by themselves, strike a death blow to Al Qaeda.
  • This proclamation was a deathblow to all hopes of peace, and destroyed all calculations and expectations.
  • The deathblow was never given from pity, but as the climax and consummation of suffering, and when the executioners were weary of their cruelty.
  • This failure of Papin's petition was the deathblow to his effort to establish steam navigation.
  • That transaction dealt the deathblow to the Sechard establishment; but the old vinegrower did not trouble himself much on that head.
  • Carlyle dealt the deathblow to the "laissez-faire" theory rampant in his day, and made each individual responsible for the race.
  • This did not give the deathblow to rationalism alone, but also to bourgeois materialism which reigned among the French radical thinkers.
  • Although Cavalier failed in carrying the treaty into effect, so far as he was concerned, his secession at this juncture proved a deathblow to the insurrection.
  • The deathblow was given when a Spartan admiral destroyed all that was left of the Athenian navy at AEgospotami in the year 405.
  • Some journalists are casting the jurors'decision as a death blow to undercover reporting.
  • A ` yes'vote Sunday would be the final death blow for the negotiations.
  • It's difficult to see death blow in a sentence .
  • The government hoped his arrest would be a death blow to the rebels.
  • However, this proved to be the death blow to Kulkarni's career.
  • When he lost, it wasn't just a loss; it was a death blow.
  • They earned the death blows that delivered bruised and bullet-riddled faces.