deadly - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deadly in Hindi
- घातक
- मारक
- प्राणघातक
- प्राणनाशक
- मृतक के समान
- प्राणघाती
- उपसंहारक
- तीव्रकठोर
- भयंकृर
- जानलेवा
- कातिल
- भीषण
- निहायत
- अत्यंत
deadly Definition
- causing or able to cause death.
- in a way resembling or suggesting death; as if dead.
deadly Example
- we are deadly enemies ( हम घातक दुश्मन हैं )
- her skin was deadly pale ( उसकी त्वचा घातक पीली थी )
- Byrne thought at once of two witches watching the brewing of some deadly potion. ( बायरन ने एक बार दो चुड़ैलों में से एक को कुछ घातक औषधि बनाने के बारे में सोचा। )
- Slowly, but with deadly persistence, he closed the gap between him and the leaders. ( धीरे-धीरे, लेकिन घातक दृढ़ता के साथ, उन्होंने अपने और नेताओं के बीच की खाई को पाट दिया। )
More Sentence
- A deadly apathy had succeeded his passion, and he was sullen and incapable of higher thoughts.
- There were cries and curses, as men emptied their revolvers and then clinched in deadly struggle.
- she was in deadly earnest
- a deadly weapon
- The terrorists parked the van with its deadly cargo in a dark alleyway.
- The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.
- The shock was deadly to him.
- He has become my deadly enemy.
- Her drink had been laced with a deadly poison.
- The concert was absolutely deadly.
- Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.
- a deadly serious remark
- A deadly, incurable fungus is killing old friends in Texas.
- Capitol Hill liberals are learning about Newt's deadly sting.
- The remark was a deadly blow to the Zions'case.
- Frank said members must use deadly force to claim the money.
- The only true deterrent to this ongoing crime is deadly force.
- And a marriage of 27 years seemed threatened by deadly illness.
- It's difficult to see deadly in a sentence .
- He gets it in that spot and he's deadly.
- his aim is deadly
- his voice was cold and deadly
- he's well meaning, but so utterly deadly