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deadlier - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deadlier in Hindi

  • घातक
  • मारक
  • प्राणघातक
  • प्राणनाशक
  • मृतक के समान
  • प्राणघाती
  • उपसंहारक
  • तीव्रकठोर
  • भयंकृर

deadlier Definition


  • causing or able to cause death.

deadlier Example

  • The Trollocs Pursue, but the deadlier Draghkar finds them. ( ट्रोलॉक्स पीछा करते हैं, लेकिन घातक ड्रैगकर उन्हें ढूंढ लेते हैं। )
  • The present day is far deadlier than the Old West. ( आज का दिन ओल्ड वेस्ट से कहीं ज्यादा घातक है। )
  • Unfortunately it turns into something deadlier than humanity ever imagined. ( दुर्भाग्य से यह मानवता की कल्पना से भी ज्यादा घातक हो जाता है। )
  • We all harbor secrets, but some are deadlier than others. ( हम सभी रहस्यों को छुपाते हैं, लेकिन कुछ दूसरों की तुलना में घातक होते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Stronger and deadlier than she thinks, yet such a gentleman.
  • The more they discover, the desperate and deadlier the results become.
  • It takes longer to manifest itself and is deadlier than cholera.
  • Malaria and many other mosquito-borne diseases remain far deadlier.
  • His frowning silence was a deadlier rebuke to the slayers and oppressors than secession.
  • A worse insult or a deadlier challenge could not have been known in the land of Beardom.
  • By and by, from mere priest he developed into the deadlier carnivore, the Inquisitor.
  • As if the clouds its echo would repeat; And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before!
  • His high fire drew a deadlier upon himself; a stream of lead from a Winchester whistled into the room past his ear and over his ducked head.
  • Probably the more subtle and fearful apprehensions of men originated really from the smaller and deadlier kinds, and were then by superstition, poetry and heraldry extended to the larger.
  • Still-hunting is the more sportsmanlike way; but the deadlier fashion is this hunting with two or three hounds: the slower they run, the more chance for the guns.
  • Would he be able to rise to the occasion and wither his opponent by a scorching blast of even deadlier profanity, or would he humiliate them by using the commonplace swear-words of everyday life?
  • The low, red sun dazzled my eyes, and I waited, with each throw from the Huron, for one that should be aimed with deadlier intent.
  • But, wrenched asunder, severed and apart, Life knew a deadlier death: the blighting smart Which only kills the heart.
  • _Dirty-Air Cities Far Deadlier Than Clean Ones, Study Shows.
  • The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.
  • That takes target practice, not a new brand of deadlier ammunition.
  • Trans fats are likely deadlier than cigarettes, alcohol and illicit drugs.
  • Wood alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, and even deadlier intoxicants became common bootleg additives.
  • The action never stops and the undead keep getting more deadlier.
  • Some health experts draw another, deadlier parallel to the AIDS epidemic.
  • Deadlier Than the Rest earns another easy five star rating from me.