dazed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dazed in Hindi
dazed Definition
- unable to think or react properly; bewildered.
dazed Example
- I was left dazed and confused ( मैं चकित और भ्रमित रह गया था )
- In the other clubhouse, the Yankees were in a daze. ( दूसरे क्लब हाउस में, यांकीज़ अचंभे में थे। )
- "I came away dazed, " he said. ( "मैं चकित होकर आया," उन्होंने कहा। )
- He accidentally clocked me and I went into a short daze. ( उसने गलती से मुझे देख लिया और मैं अचंभे में पड़ गया। )
More Sentence
- This was the theme of the final daze at Cleveland Stadium.
- Larson lies on his back, dazed.
- The dazed store employee was.
- He had a dazed look about him.
- Dazed from his fall, he made.
- But her friend was still dazed.
- Pete nodded again, looking dazed.
- He later allowed Daze's 21st goal of the season.
- I felt I was in a daze most of the time.
- Dazed, flustered, I trudged numbly back to my place.
- But scary economic limitations have supposedly left them dazed and confused.
- Reagan seemed dazed and surprisingly out of synch during the debate.
- They walk around in a daze, unsure how to proceed.
- It's difficult to see dazed in a sentence .
- As an Eastern accountant dazed by the " uncivilized"
- He does not come to Kansas City dazed, like Bono.
- I know I'm still lost, dazed and confused.
- Meeting the press Monday, Jirsa seemed more dazed than delighted.
- Stacy explains as the virgin, still looking dazed, departs.
- Most have that dazed look of cattle being herded to slaughter.
- Hilliard seemed dazed, and briefly lay motionless on the turf.
- a dazed expression