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dauntless - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dauntless in Hindi

  • निडर
  • बेबाक़
  • अभीत
  • निर्भीक

dauntless Definition


  • showing fearlessness and determination.

dauntless Example

  • dauntless bravery ( निडर बहादुरी )
  • Tris then passes her test and is officially initiated into Dauntless. ( ट्रिस फिर अपना परीक्षण पास करती है और आधिकारिक तौर पर डंटलेस में दीक्षित होती है। )
  • She wants Four to convince other Dauntless to join the factionless. ( वह चाहती है कि फोर दूसरे डंटलेस को गुटनिरपेक्ष में शामिल होने के लिए मनाए। )
  • And I think that it is such dauntless determination that made Alaska. ( और मुझे लगता है कि यह ऐसा निडर दृढ़ संकल्प है जिसने अलास्का को बनाया है। )

More Sentence

  • That shows that she was a spectacular individual with a dauntless spirit.
  • This history overflows with such episodes of dauntless resolve on all sides.
  • I used to think the Dauntless were fearless.
  • Eric became a Dauntless leader at seventeen.
  • But by Dauntless standards, that’s nothing.
  • Only if he wants to become a Dauntless leader.
  • We are in a room full of Dauntless, after all.
  • To Pamela's astonishment, there was helplessness in those eyes she had come to think of as dauntless.  
  • Dauntless traitors crowd into the supply closet.
  • One SBD-2 Dauntless had been downed by Japanese antiaircraft fire.
  • The Helldiver was developed to replace the Douglas SBD Dauntless.
  • Never has English cricket known a more dauntless pair ".
  • It's difficult to see dauntless in a sentence .
  • She transports to the " Dauntless " to confront Arturis.
  • She sustained two near misses from Marine SBD Dauntless dive-bombers.
  • A Russian clipper Dauntless is sailing from San Francisco to Hong Kong.
  • In 2014, Stohr Cars was sold to Dauntless Racing.
  • The Dauntless have the weirdest slang.
  • Smack-dab in a pack of Dauntless traitors.
  • And is she also a Dauntless leader?
  • I can’t even think of life as a Dauntless.
  • Because of his dauntless courage, Levski was called the lion, a figure that became the national symbol of Bulgaria and the name of its currency.  
  • Sitting in the chair is a Dauntless soldier.
  • It belongs to Eric, leader of the Dauntless.
  • The outer limit of the Dauntless patrols.
  • On Choosing Day, Beatrice decides to leave Abnegation and join Dauntless.