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daughter - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of daughter in Hindi

  • बेटी
  • पुत्री
  • लड़की
  • कन्या
  • आत्मजा

daughter Definition


  • a girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents.
  • a nuclide formed by the radioactive decay of anothe


  • originating through division or replication.

daughter Example

  • a daughter of the dry savannas of Africa ( अफ्रीका के सूखे सवाना की एक बेटी )
  • daughter cells ( अनुजात कोशिकाएं )
  • My youngest daughter is left behind. ( मेरी सबसे छोटी बेटी पीछे छूट गई है। ) 
  • And he sat down again, paying no more attention to his daughter, who was reduced to tears. ( और वह फिर बैठ गया, अपनी बेटी पर और ध्यान नहीं दिया, जो आँसू में कम हो गई थी। )
  • The woman is a feisty one but her daughter is such a beauty I'm obliged to keep mommy alive for at least a short time until we are locked in the privacy of my refuge. ( महिला एक सामंत है लेकिन उसकी बेटी एक ऐसी सुंदरता है जिसे मैं कम से कम थोड़े समय के लिए माँ को जीवित रखने के लिए बाध्य हूं जब तक कि हम अपनी शरण की गोपनीयता में बंद नहीं हो जाते। )

More Sentence

  • You must be the daughter who...
  • The princess nodded to her daughter and sidled out of the room.
  • "Are you ready, my daughter?" he called through the thick wooden door.
  • His looks and cold tone to his daughter seemed to say: There, you see?
  • God is punishing my daughter for what you did.
  • I remember the daughter, too.
  • The cause was colon cancer, said his daughter Rachel Berns.
  • Shad died after heart surgery, said his daughter, Leslie.
  • "It's a different mother-daughter relationship.
  • The cause was heart disease, said his daughter Karen Williams.
  • I sent my daughter to school down there for a semester.
  • I prayed for this daughter and received her as a blessing,
  • Kevin Thomas counters that Catherine Thomas does not contact her daughter.
  • "Nothing at all, " the daughter says.
  • I would like to take my daughter to live with me,
  • The cause was a stroke, said his daughter Carole Carlin.
  • It's difficult to see daughter in a sentence .
  • But Stratton believed she had a good relationship with her daughter.
  • She left a daughter, Meghan, now 18 months old.
  • At tea all sat in their accustomed places: Nicholas beside the stove at a small table where his tea was handed to him; Milka, the old gray borzoi bitch (daughter of the first Milka), with a quite gray face and large black eyes that seemed more prominent than ever, lay on the armchair beside him; Denisov, whose curly hair, mustache, and whiskers had turned half gray, sat beside countess Mary with his general's tunic unbuttoned; Pierre sat between his wife and the old countess.
  • My daughter, the family gardener, only plants heirloom produce from non-hybrid seeds.
  • Their oldest daughter, Lisa.
  • At the beginning of winter Prince Nicholas Bolkonski and his daughter moved to Moscow.
  • Now you've curled up and got warm, you daughter of a bitch! said Karataev, touching the dog that lay at his feet, and again turning over he fell asleep immediately.
  • The kidnapper was the child's mother, a drug addict, who no longer had custody and tried to spirit her daughter away.
  • She hesitated at the head of the stairs, tormented by the knowledge her father was incapable of mercy towards his daughter, let alone a stranger.
  • By the time they reached their daughter she was dead, with no one in sight.
  • My daughter is coming for me to take me there.
  • He hurried to find the family of that civil servant in order to restore the daughter to her mother and go to save someone else.
  • Both of them, mother and daughter, out walking that bitch dog.
  • Italian, the eldest daughter of ancient Latin