datum - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of datum in Hindi
datum Definition
- geschrieben, ausgefertigt dat.
- dem Kalender entsprechende Zeitangabe, Tagesangabe
- Zeitpunkt
- Faktum
datum Example
- It passes, therefore, as a datum of revelation. ( इसलिए, यह रहस्योद्घाटन की तारीख के रूप में गुजरता है। )
- The best datum is in Josephus (Ant. ( सबसे अच्छा डेटम जोसीफस (एंट। )
- In the first place, the remembered datum, from which an inference of pressure starts, is not the conceived idea, but the belief that the sensible pressure existed. ( सबसे पहले, याद किया गया डेटा, जिससे दबाव का अनुमान शुरू होता है, कल्पित विचार नहीं है, बल्कि यह विश्वास है कि समझदार दबाव मौजूद है। )
More Sentence
- One close datum, if trustworthy, would be log of water = Assyrian mina implying a bath of about 2200 cub.
- Some authoritiesidentify Neapolis with Datum (D&rov), mentioned by Herodotus as famous for its gold mines.
- You could never get enough exposure, he thought, noting the datum that one-point-one billion people were virtually riding along with him right now.
- As the miles slipped by, the faint beep of the directional receiver became stronger, always at 20-second intervals from the time datum Mark had set.
- The tablet in the thirtieth year being of Pepi II (Nefer-ka-ra), and mentioning the sed festival in that year, this might refer to the Sothiac festival of 120 years falling in that year, and so be important as a datum.
- Datum apud Dolguelli.
- datum, data, given, used at the beginning of a letter, &c., to show time and place of writing, e.g.
- Yet we may have to correct the dubious chronology of the first Roman bishops by this datum, and prolong his life to about A.D.
- That God is love and that the purpose of His love is the moral organization of humanity in the "Kingdom of God" - this idea, with its immense range of application-.-is applied in Ritschl's initial datum.
- datum other is an Excel 95 or Excel 97 file containing numeric data.
- datum do we collect and process sensitive personal data?
- datum system can involve both your laboratory instrument and specialist data acquisition and control hardware.
- mock-up models to check on the idea feasibility Use of coloring media Use of datum edges.