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cyberspace - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cyberspace in Hindi

  • साइबरस्पेस

cyberspace Definition


  • the notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs.

cyberspace Example

  • I stayed in cyberspace for just a few minutes ( मैं साइबर स्पेस में बस कुछ ही मिनटों के लिए रहा )
  • The Council of Europe has released a draft of a proposed treaty on crime in cyberspace.  ( यूरोप की परिषद ने साइबरस्पेस में अपराध पर एक प्रस्तावित संधि का मसौदा जारी किया है। )
  • As an unrepentant internet devotee, I spend a lot of time rootling around cyberspace seeking out the edifying and unusual. ( एक अपश्चातापी इंटरनेट भक्त के रूप में, मैं बहुत समय साइबर स्पेस के इर्द-गिर्द घूमने में बिताता हूं जो कि संपादन और असामान्य की तलाश में है। )
  • It follows that in cyberspace the intended victim of a verbal assault is also at least less likely to become disarmed, debilitated, and silenced.  ( यह इस प्रकार है कि साइबरस्पेस में मौखिक हमले का शिकार होने वाले के निशस्त्र, दुर्बल और खामोश होने की संभावना भी कम से कम होती है। )

More Sentence

  • Even the term cyberspace renders an absolute connection, associating digital experiences with spatial descriptors.  
  • The lurkers stay in the background, voyeuristically reading the furious messages that are being hurled around cyberspace, without joining in.  
  • On a lighter note, that the ghetto has become a contended space can be finally demonstrated by a look at its virtual avatars in cyberspace.  
  • Active cyberdefense is a term of art widely understood to include offensive actions in cyberspace taken with defensive purposes in mind.  
  • My little reunion with old friends in cyberspace may also in a.
  • In 5-D cyberspace, there would be no movement if the fifth dimension truly is the.
  • Spacewar! was soon distributed with new DEC computers and traded throughout primitive cyberspace.
  • He does not tire telling his audience that the colonization of cyberspace by non-free software should be fought.  
  • But do remember, after you are done honking and blatting in cyberspace, that nothing you say will make any difference.  
  • In cyberspace you will find both friends and enemies, all trying to be heard.  
  • As in politics, you don't need to be a blue blood to make it in cyberspace.  
  • If you've newly joined the ranks of the cyberspace surfers, or even if you're an old-time net-head, you might enjoy these sites.  
  • It also offers a support group whose members encourage each other through cyberspace.  
  • Childhood sweethearts Tony Baynham and Kathy Hammond have rekindled their love after 20 years thanks to a chance meeting in cyberspace.  
  • And it's up to each of us to protect our own little corner of cyberspace, by patching our software and being wary of unsolicited e-mail. Copy  
  • Undaunted, Channel 4 is persisting with the idea that you can conjure up magical profits from the frilly sleeves of cyberspace.