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curriculum - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of curriculum in Hindi

  • पाठ्यक्रम
  • पाठ्यचर्या


  • कार्यक्रम

curriculum Definition


  • the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

curriculum Example

  • course components of the school curriculum ( स्कूल पाठ्यक्रम के पाठ्यक्रम घटक )
  • The old curriculum of the Real schools is now superseded. ( रियल स्कूलों के पुराने पाठ्यक्रम को अब हटा दिया गया है। )
  • Their curriculum comprised all the usual courses of instruction, except theology. ( उनके पाठ्यक्रम में धर्मशास्त्र को छोड़कर शिक्षा के सभी सामान्य पाठ्यक्रम शामिल थे। )
  • They give an education similar to that offered in the lyces for boys with certain modificationsin a curriculum of five or six years. ( वे पांच या छह साल के पाठ्यक्रम में कुछ संशोधनों के साथ लड़कों के लिए लाइक्स में दी जाने वाली शिक्षा के समान शिक्षा देते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • During recent years chemistry has become one of the most important subjects in the curriculum of technical schools and universities, and at the present time no general educational institution is complete until it has its full equipment of laboratories and lecture theatres.
  • He studied at the famous mining academy of Freiberg, in Saxony, and on completing his curriculum travelled in Germany and France.
  • His early life was occupied in mastering the curriculum of theology, jurisprudence, mathematics, medicine and philosophy, under the approved teachers of the time.
  • He designed the curriculum and even the buildings.
  • The quality of teachers and curriculum was excellent.
  • They assumed that it was part of the curriculum for.
  • The educational curriculum either draws out from 671.
  • This is the hidden curriculum of our educational.
  • This is the gist of the hidden curriculum of schools.
  • Nothing, however, on her curriculum vitae included the term.
  • The core curriculum should cover core competencies, says Purg.
  • As illustrating the rapid development of familiarity with foreign authors, a Japanese retrospect of the Meiji era notes that whereas Macaulays Esfays were ii the curriculum of the Imperial University in 1881-1882, they were studied, five or six years later, in secondary schools, and pupils of the latter were able to read with understanding the works of Goldsmith, Tennyson and Thackeray.
  • He enlarged the curriculum at the college, and established chairs in languages, science, philosophy and divinity, which were confirmed by charter in 1577.
  • Nature-study, continued in the secondary schools, is an essential part in the curriculum of these schools, and elementary general history, English, French and German are among the optional subjects.