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current affairs - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of current affairs in Hindi

  • सामयिकी

current affairs Definition


  • events of political or social interest and importance happening in the world at the present time.

current affairs Example

  • current affairs programs ( समसामयिक कार्यक्रम )
  • Bishop Muskens said on the Dutch current affairs show " Network ." ( डच करंट अफेयर्स शो "नेटवर्क" पर बिशप मस्केन्स ने कहा। )
  • Ravid is currently employed by current affairs for the European Broadcasting Union. ( रविद वर्तमान में यूरोपीय ब्रॉडकास्टिंग यूनियन के लिए करंट अफेयर्स द्वारा कार्यरत हैं। )
  • Viewpoint is the brand name for GBCs ongoing current affairs discussion series. ( दृष्टिकोण GBCs के लिए चल रही करंट अफेयर्स चर्चा श्रृंखला का ब्रांड नाम है। )

More Sentence

  • No news bulletins or current affairs programs will air Wednesday or Thursday.
  • Questions on current affairs test candidates on their knowledge of current affairs.
  • He became head of current affairs at LWT and, later, controller of features and current affairs.
  • Characters are real snd so like current affairs tofay.
  • The show included a parody on current affairs programmes.
  • Horrocks became Head of Current Affairs in June 2000.
  • Reading a newspaper is for knowing the current affairs.
  • Maria is very interested in politics and current affairs.
  • She takes a keen interest in politics and current affairs.
  • Public figures and current affairs issues are satirized through parallelism.
  • It has pieces of the past and connections to current affairs.
  • The Blackshirts were uncovered by a television current affairs program this week.
  • That means airing news and current affairs programs to stimulate public discussion.
  • Discussions about politics and current affairs also took place at the meetings.
  • We both use our political science backgrounds to comment on current affairs.
  • It won the Royal Television Society Award for Best Current Affairs Documentary.
  • It's difficult to see current affairs in a sentence .
  • Questions on current affairs test candidates on their knowledge of current affairs.
  • Later on he became the Director of Current Affairs in Express News.
  • This concept has created a new dimension in news and current affairs.
  • I began to take an interest in current affairs