cure - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cure in Hindi
- इलाज
- औषध
- दवाई
- उपचार करना
- नीरोग करना
- अभिशोषण करना
- संसाधन करना
- तैयार करना
cure Definition
- relieve (a person or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition.
- preserve (meat, fish, tobacco, or an animal skin) by various methods such as salting, drying, or smoking.
- a substance or treatment that cures a disease or condition.
cure Example
- the early synthetic rubbers were much more difficult to cure than natural rubber ( प्राकृतिक रबर की तुलना में प्रारंभिक सिंथेटिक घिसने का इलाज करना अधिक कठिन था )
- he was beyond cure ( वह इलाज से परे था )
- curare, to take care of), properly a presbyter who has the cure of souls within a parish. ( कुररे, देखभाल करने के लिए), ठीक से एक प्रेस्बिटेर जो एक पल्ली के भीतर आत्माओं का इलाज करता है। )
- The invalid can cure himself by teaching his brain the habit of dwelling upon his extreme fatuity. ( अशक्त व्यक्ति अपने मस्तिष्क को अपने चरम मोटापा पर रहने की आदत सिखाकर स्वयं को ठीक कर सकता है। )
More Sentence
- The cure of a complaint of this description appeared to me more than doubtful, even impossible.
- During the preliminary stages of the cure he should, of course, avoid inflammable situations.
- Hence the remedy for all blunders, the cure of blindness, the cure of crime, is love.
- A very early instance of the open-air cure never before recorded took place at Lismore.
- Yet is a shepheards cure a greater carke Then sweating Plough-men with their busie warke.
- Where did Mrs. Eddy get the idea that such treatment was ever supposed to cure "insanity"?
- Oh, the Old Doctor would have brought home a dead man to cure if any one had 'stumped' him.
- Likewise for mental illnesses: We should be able to cure them to the extent the person in question would wish them to be.
- She couldn't cure whatever it was, and she couldn't make sense of it.
- The origin of such unendowed curacies is traceable to the fact that benefices were sometimes granted to religious houses pleno jure, and with liberty for them to provide for the cure; and when such appropriations were transferred to lay persons, being unable to serve themselves, the impropriators were required to nominate a clerk in full orders to the.
- The spread of syphilis, a disease equally unknown to the ancients, and the failure of Galen's remedies to cure it, had a similar effect.
- from the town, which yield over 500,000 gallons daily, are resorted to for the cure of rheumatism and skin diseases.
- "Howie," Quinn implored, "You have to realize you can't cure all the ills of the world.
- Upon this too static a view, both of clinical type and of post-mortem-room pathology, came a despairing spirit, almost of fatalism, which in the contemplation of organic ruins lost the hope of cure of organic diseases.
- You didn't try as hard to cure me? she asked, perplexed.
- They talk about medicine--what is the good of medicine when it can't cure a cold!
- (The boy was afraid of the dark and they could not cure him of it.)
- Thousands of people research diseases because they individually want to cure them.
- If the magic of Hell can't cure her, can yours?
- This simple thought could not occur to the doctors (as it cannot occur to a wizard that he is unable to work his charms) because the business of their lives was to cure, and they received money for it and had spent the best years of their lives on that business.
- He offered her a choice: to cure the inoperable brain tumor killing her or to outright kill her before she declined, whichever outcome she preferred.
- this technology could be used to cure diabetes
- the search for a cure for the common cold
- the mastic takes days to cure
- the cure is to improve the clutch operation
- he had been at this cure for four years
- stopping foreign investment is no way to cure the fundamental problem
- a benefice involving the cure of souls