culture shock - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of culture shock in Hindi
culture shock Definition
- the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes.
culture shock Example
- New hunters may experience a form of culture shock the first time they enter the wilderness, and may require mental acclimatization when returning to civilization. ( नए शिकारी पहली बार जंगल में प्रवेश करते समय संस्कृति के झटके का अनुभव कर सकते हैं, और सभ्यता में लौटने पर मानसिक अनुकूलन की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। )
- This culture shock caused him to leave his post early and enter a first retirement. ( इस सांस्कृतिक आघात के कारण उन्हें अपना पद जल्दी छोड़ना पड़ा और पहली सेवानिवृत्ति में प्रवेश करना पड़ा। )
- Robson described the move as a culture shock but felt... a sense of adventure. ( रॉबसन ने इस कदम को एक सांस्कृतिक आघात के रूप में वर्णित किया लेकिन महसूस किया ... रोमांच की भावना। )
- Why put such terms as "culture shock" (p. 88), "vanguard" (p. 91) and "bread and butter" (p. 99) in quotation marks? ( उद्धरण चिह्नों में "कल्चर शॉक" (पृष्ठ 88), "मोहरा" (पृष्ठ 91) और "ब्रेड एंड बटर" (पृष्ठ 99) जैसे शब्दों को क्यों रखा जाए? )
- The third stage of culture shock brings an accord with the host culture. ( कल्चर शॉक का तीसरा चरण मेजबान संस्कृति के साथ एक समझौता लाता है। )
More Sentence
- In the beginning I had a hard dose of culture shock and left all things that reminded me of home fall into desuetude.
- The adaptation to a new culture can be so profound that most students feel reverse culture shock.
- The culture shock for boys and girls who had known only the lifestyle they left behind in rural Ireland was undoubtedly great.
- It would be very normal for Westerners to experience some culture shock in Korea.
- As you read, please excuse me, for what I experienced was more culture shock than I did so many years ago.
- He recalls experiencing his culture shock back in the 1990s during his first visit in the country.
- He spoke eloquently of the difficulties and culture shock he experienced upon his release.
- The sudden culture shock at being thrown among those with very different work ethics and other attitudes can even be frightening.
- When asked if they had experienced any culture shock in the past two weeks, most smiled and said they were treated very well.
- To many of the returnees, culture shock found in a corporate context is more frustrating than that in a societal context.
- It is said that culture shock consists of three stages.
- Predictably, some intercultural misunderstandings arose leading at times to something akin to 'culture shock' for which assistance from an informed and sympathetic teacher was important.
- But then we walk through that gallery, and the pictures hanging there are a culture shock.
- But it will be a culture shock for taxpayers.
- However, the change not only in the tabloids but in the self-described quality papers is a culture shock.
- There is an element of culture shock in going abroad.
- This caused a culture shock which had an impact on the political system.
- What a culture shock they were, and what emotions they aroused.
- It was a culture shock for many soldiers.
- I experienced a kind of culture shock at the logo flickering constantly during a film.
- It might well come as something of a culture shock to some authorities which will be required to think beyond one year.
- jet lag, culture shock, altitude sickness; we struggle to get to grips with this, our first morning in South America
- being at home with small babies is an instant culture shock to the young woman of the world