cryptically - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cryptically in Hindi
cryptically Definition
- "Maybe he will come out tomorrow," she added cryptically.
- He smiled cryptically.
cryptically Example
- I know I can overcome this, she said cryptically. ( मुझे पता है कि मैं इसे दूर कर सकता हूं, उसने क्रिप्टिक रूप से कहा। )
- Because you know the way, sir, he answered cryptically. ( क्योंकि आप रास्ता जानते हैं, महोदय, उसने गुप्त रूप से उत्तर दिया। )
- A great black mass of mystery, it reared cryptically against the moonlit sky. ( रहस्य का एक बड़ा काला द्रव्यमान, यह चाँदली के आकाश के खिलाफ गुप्त रूप से पड़ा। )
- I’ve realized these past few days how little I know myself, he said cryptically. ( मैंने इन पिछले कुछ दिनों में महसूस किया है कि मैं खुद को कितना छोटा जानता हूं, उन्होंने क्रिप्टिक रूप से कहा। )
More Sentence
- “Not necessarily,” she says cryptically.
- Most of these likely never spread or spread cryptically for a while and burned out, ” he added.”
- Most of my students knew, at least cryptically, what happened in Tiananmen Square right around the year most of them were born.
- Michael cryptically replies, “I don’t have a few years.”
- Less cryptically, he said the arms race was still on.
- The article also added, cryptically, “U.S. President Barack Obama is thought to have been nominated but it’s unclear on what grounds.”
- You will find it, ” the giant answered cryptically .”
- And you over think. Always speak cryptically.
- Cristian remembered when Sage spoke cryptically about Rafael getting more than he asked for the night they left New York.
- A scientific hypothesis has to be at least potentially refutable with reference to data, said Charles somewhat cryptically.
- Jesus Christ cryptically (I’ll not attempt to delve into the theories for the peculiarities of this statement here) said….
- Whoever built this thing would be indeed quite an eccentric if any door would be cryptically lying in an obscure, random position.
- Casimir Simienowicz’s Artis Magnae Artilleriae, from 1650, uses whatever is Latin for “firemaster,” while other period works refer, somewhat cryptically, to “Wild Men” or “Green Men.