critic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of critic in Hindi
- समीक्षक
- समालोचक
- आलोचक
- समीक्षक
- छिद्रान्वेषी
- समालोचनात्मक
- आलोचनावादी
- संकटपूर्ण
- छिद्रान्वेषक
critic Definition
- a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something.
- a person who judges the merits of literary, artistic, or musical works, especially one who does so professionally
critic Example
- Worcester, his crowning victory, has been indicated by a German critic as the prototype of Sedan. ( वर्सेस्टर, उनकी ताज की जीत, एक जर्मन आलोचक ने सेडान के प्रोटोटाइप के रूप में संकेत दिया है। )
- He gives an account of the barons' war from a royalist standpoint, and is a severe critic of Montfort's policy. ( वह एक शाही दृष्टिकोण से बैरन के युद्ध का लेखा-जोखा देता है, और मोंटफोर्ट की नीति का एक गंभीर आलोचक है। )
- He made his first appearance in public as the critic of Newton, and the arbiter between d'Alembert and Euler. ( उन्होंने न्यूटन के आलोचक और डी'अलेम्बर्ट और यूलर के बीच मध्यस्थ के रूप में सार्वजनिक रूप से अपनी पहली उपस्थिति दर्ज की। )
- As a critic of independent views he won the approval of Goethe; on the other hand, he fell into violent controversy with Ranke about questions connected with Italian history. ( स्वतंत्र विचारों के आलोचक के रूप में उन्होंने गोएथे का अनुमोदन प्राप्त किया; दूसरी ओर, वह इतालवी इतिहास से जुड़े सवालों को लेकर रैंके के साथ हिंसक विवाद में पड़ गए। )
More Sentence
- He was "a journalist before the days of journalism, a traveller before that of travelling, a critic of authorities before that of political oppositions."
- Bishop Stubbs belongs to the front rank of historical scholars both as an author and a critic. Among Englishmen at least he excels all others as a master of every department of the historian's work, from the discovery of materials to the elaboration of wellfounded theories and literary production.
- The critic may not ignore it any more than he may exaggerate its place in the arts.
- Criticism is as fatal to the critic as seeing two sides to a question is to a pleader.
- The newspaper critic always finds a subject to work up in the book he is discussing.
- The public expects a musical critic to be a sort of walking thematic catalogue.
- The duty of the true critic is to play the part of a leech, and not of a viper.
- As soon as he sides with his critic against himself, with joy, he is a cultivated man.
- For I was even then sufficiently influential as a critic to manage this for him.
- Schumann is known in Germany no less as a philosophical thinker and critic than as a composer.
- But it may well be that in life Meredith was a snob, while in art he was a critic of snobs.
- As an eminent French critic (General Bonnal) says, this was but to repeat Frederick the Great's manoeuvre at Kolin, and, the Austrians being where they actually were and not where Moltke decided they ought to be, the result might have been equally disastrous.
- Montegut, Jean Baptiste Joseph Emile (1825-1895), French critic, was born at Limoges on the 14th of June 1825.
- His geography was based more immediately on the work of his predecessor, Marinus of Tyre, and on that of Hipparchus, the follower and critic of Eratosthenes