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criminologist - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of criminologist in Hindi

  • क्रिमिनोलॉजिस्ट

criminologist Definition


  • an expert in the scientific study of crime and criminals.

criminologist Example

  • the pioneering criminologist proposed a method for identifying criminals ( अग्रणी क्रिमिनोलॉजिस्ट ने अपराधियों की पहचान के लिए एक तरीका प्रस्तावित किया )
  • Criminologist Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances. ( क्रिमिनोलॉजिस्ट डॉ एन जोन्स ने अपराध को सामाजिक परिस्थितियों से जोड़ा है। )
  • Criminologists, too, have largely neglected the prisons. ( अपराधियों ने भी जेलों की काफी हद तक उपेक्षा की है। )
  • Criminologists have long argued that one of the chief causes of crime is fear of crime. ( क्रिमिनोलॉजिस्टों ने लंबे समय से तर्क दिया है कि अपराध के मुख्य कारणों में से एक अपराध का डर है। )

More Sentence

  • Home Office criminologists stress that the rise in violent crime is largely made up of an explosion in acquaintance violence.
  • Alex Stevens, a criminologist at the University of Kent, points out that the capital generally leads drug trends.
  • Cesare Lombroso (1835–1909) was an Italian anthropologist, criminologist and jurist.
  • Once the man finished his study of criminology, he was ready to become a lawyer and prosecute the criminals.  
  • Otis could get a job in law enforcement due to having an educational background in criminology.  
  • With stories about various fugitives, many people read this journal because they liked criminology.  
  • French anthropologist and criminologist who devised the Bertillon system ( 1880 ).
  • The influential criminologist cited trials in Indianapolis and Kansas City that suggested that violent crime can be cut drastically through campaigns to locate and confiscate illegal guns.
  • Northeastern University criminologist Fox that the aging population and continued high rates of incarceration can be made to reduce the U. S. crime rate.
  • Rob Gordon, a criminologist at Simon Fraser University(sentencedict.com/criminologist.html), says attempts at creating an agency to curb the gangs have repeatedly failed.
  • Criminologist Greg Newbold says that crime rates spiral up and down in unexplained cycles and there are no easy solutions to reducing crime.