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credit - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of credit in Hindi

  • श्रेय
  • साख
  • प्रत्यय
  • प्रसिद्धि
  • जमा धन
  • श्रेय देना
  • आकलन करना
  • जमा खाते लिखना
  • (धन) जमा करना

credit Definition


  • publicly acknowledge someone as a participant in the production of (something published or broadcast). ( सार्वजनिक रूप से किसी के उत्पादन में भागीदार के रूप में स्वीकार करते हैं (कुछ प्रकाशित या प्रसारित)। )
  • add (an amount of money) to an account. ( एक खाते में (धन की राशि) जोड़ें। )
  • believe (something surprising or unlikely). ( विश्वास (कुछ आश्चर्य या संभावना नहीं)। )


  • the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. ( भुगतान से पहले वस्तुओं या सेवाओं को प्राप्त करने की ग्राहक की क्षमता, इस विश्वास के आधार पर कि भविष्य में भुगतान किया जाएगा। )
  • an entry recording a sum received, listed on the right-hand side or column of an account. ( एक प्रविष्टि दर्ज की गई राशि, जो किसी खाते के दाईं ओर या कॉलम में सूचीबद्ध है। )
  • public acknowledgment or praise, typically that given or received when a person's responsibility for an action or idea becomes or is made apparent. ( सार्वजनिक रूप से स्वीकार या प्रशंसा, आमतौर पर वह दिया या प्राप्त किया जाता है जब किसी व्यक्ति की कार्रवाई या विचार के लिए जिम्मेदारी स्पष्ट हो जाती है या हो जाती है। )
  • the acknowledgment of a student's completion of a course that counts toward a degree or diploma as maintained in a school's records. ( एक छात्र के एक कोर्स के पूरा होने की पावती जो एक डिग्री या डिप्लोमा की ओर गिना जाता है जैसा कि स्कूल के रिकॉर्ड में है। )

credit Example

  • you would hardly credit it—but it was true ( आप शायद ही इसका श्रेय देंगे — लेकिन यह सच था )
  • These accounts were debited for the expenses, with the corresponding credit to the cash account. ( इन खातों को खर्चों के लिए डेबिट किया गया था, जो कि नकद खाते में संबंधित क्रेडिट के साथ थे। )
  • Andrea said: ‘The pupils have been a credit to the school with their behaviour, manner and determination.’ ( एंड्रिया ने कहा: 'विद्यार्थियों को उनके व्यवहार, तरीके और दृढ़ संकल्प के साथ स्कूल के लिए एक श्रेय दिया गया है।' )

More Sentence

  • But readers liked Emma, both novel and character, and this admiration is a credit to the author's skill.
  • The easy cash is also allowing people, even those with good credit , to plunk money down on more house than they can afford.
  • he's a hundred euro in credit
  • It is unique and a credit to the craftsmen and volunteers who have worked on it.
  • Not an exciting day, but I think the books balanced pretty well, a little on the debit side, and just about as much in the credit columns, so I'm pleased enough with it.
  • her behavior did little credit to the profession
  • This money is recorded as a credit in the current account but, in reality, it is not a reliable source of financing.
  • It is also a credit to the authors' skill that the content is kept utterly accessible.
  • ‘David is a credit to the school and department,’ he said.
  • The building is now a credit to all those involved.
  • they seldom get any credit
  • But he added that universities had a responsibility to make clear to markers ‘what gives credit for a mark’.
  • The college students received course credit for their participation.
  • Students should talk with a school counselor about the possibility of earning credit toward your intended degree or certificate.
  • She had then received a credit into her bank account of £383.43, with no letter explaining exactly why she had received the payment.
  • As I will explain later, these checks enable people to obtain easy credit at dangerously high levels.
  • she claimed family credit
  • Many of the sites offered community college credit for courses taken as part of a high school diploma.
  • John Gilpin was a citizen of credit and renown
  • I got rid of my TV months ago and informed them and they did send me a credit on my direct debit - since, as you doubtless know, they take the money in advance.
  • Participants were 154 undergraduate students who received partial course credit for their participation.
  • Forty five children represented our area with pride and were a credit to themselves and their families.
  • Many colleges and universities offer the opportunity to earn credit through taking online courses.
  • Faced with such a situation, if the firm could not raise cash by obtaining more credit immediately, it would be insolvent.
  • If you're worried about exceeding your credit limit, call your card issuer to ask for a small increase.
  • Students will be given credit for effective work habits.
  • But he stressed the department is not claiming credit for this.