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creation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of creation in Hindi

  • सृजन के
  • निर्माण
  • निर्मिति
  • सृजन
  • रचना
  • वज़ा

creation Definition


  • the action or process of bringing something into existence.
  • the bringing into of existence of the universe, especially when regarded as an act of God.
  • the action or process of investing someone with a new rank or title.

creation Example

  • Edward's generosity extended beyond the creation of earls ( एडवर्ड की उदारता अर्ल्स के निर्माण से आगे बढ़ी )
  • Was her position at the office merely the creation of a doting father? ( क्या कार्यालय में उसकी स्थिति केवल एक बिंदास पिता की रचना थी? )
  • Creation only, is really an enjoyment, only hard work, is full of life. ( सृजन ही, वास्तव में एक आनंद है, केवल कड़ी मेहनत है, जीवन से भरपूर है। )
  • He had been with the company since its creation in 1979.  ( वह 1979 में कंपनी के निर्माण के समय से ही कंपनी के साथ थे। )

More Sentence

  • The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.
  • For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.
  • He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
  • This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.
  • The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.
  • Economic conditions may be responsible for the creation of social unrest.
  • The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.
  • Man is the creation of an all-powerful, all-good, and all-seeing God.
  • The morning wind forever blows, the poem of creation is uninterrupted; but few are the ears that hear it.
  • "Sing of the creation," was the answer.
  • The Internet has allowed for the creation of thousands of new ways to give, both time and money.
  • The principle of energy makes it clear that the light emitted laterally is not a new creation, but only diverted from the main stream.
  • It is a creation of the Germans, the site,.
  • The first mechanism is the creation of things, an old and familiar approach.
  • For a short while he was at the head of the new Hessian administration; but his ambition was to share in the creation of a united Germany.
  • They saw that the only way of insuring their independence was by the creation of a navy.
  • We have shown that the highest good of the universe required the creation of such beings.
  • And no marvel; for the doctrine of a creation would cut up his system by the roots.
  • All the ideas that physical science can bring us of creation is the root of three in one.
  • Yes; and the images as well as the creation are equally the work of a divine hand.
  • The antagonism between the two communities is not the creation or the result of British rule.
  • The creation of wealth in England in the last ninety years is a main fact in modern history.
  • The primitive doctrine of Creation was soon supplanted by the pagan theory of Emanation.
  • Whether or not we know it, we all participate in the creation of its value by competing for dollars against one another.
  • The creation of the first manuscript still was, but now it could be replicated and distributed to everyone.
  • To the men who fought against the rising truths of physical philosophy, it seemed that if they admitted that truth it would destroy faith in God, in the creation of the firmament, and in the miracle of Joshua the son of Nun.
  • Knowing this allowed for the creation of a drug called Imatinib, which inhibits this process.
  • An image not of her own creation pushed itself into her mind.
  • A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
  • Among his first acts was the creation of nine French cardinals.
  • "Go. Await my messenger.  Once Rhyn enters the underworld, you will follow him," he said, looking over his creation with satisfaction.
  • job creation