creamiest - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of creamiest in Hindi
creamiest Definition
- resembling cream in consistency or color.
creamiest Example
- a thick, creamy dressing ( एक मोटी, मलाईदार ड्रेसिंग )
- The cheese I make is considered the creamiest around. ( मैं जो पनीर बनाती हूं उसे सबसे क्रीमी माना जाता है। )
- creamy white flowers ( मलाईदार सफेद फूल )
- Using sour cream makes the lightest and creamiest cheesecake you'll imagine. ( खट्टा क्रीम का उपयोग करने से आप सबसे हल्का और क्रीमी चीज़केक की कल्पना कर सकते हैं। )
More Sentence
- This cheesecake has the softest and creamiest consistency that I've had.
- The sour cream is home made, the richest, creamiest you will ever have.
- The dressing for both salads is the creamiest vegan dressing I've ever had.
- Amazingly awesome flavors of ice and the creamiest frozen custard you will find.
- The Anson Mills grits were the creamiest, gooiest, yummiest grits I've ever eaten.
- However, the side of mashed potatoes was the creamiest that we've ever had.
- These were the creamiest, most flavorful grits I've ever tasted in my life, bar none.
- Without a doubt the creamiest and most delectable hummus I have had in Wisconsin.
- Just go and enjoy the creamiest ice cream and Popsicles you have ever had.
- The complex flavors of the dish, along with the creamiest polenta ever, were heavenly.
- It is the cheesiest and creamiest I've had and is absolutely addictive.
- This is probably the creamiest, most delicious mashed potatoes I've ever had.
- Its not the creamiest, richest, or sweetest, but it is quite satisfying.
- They compliment it with the creamiest most delish risotto on the side.
- This is probably one of the most creamiest butteriest ice cream I've ever had.
- This ice cream is sooo rich probably the creamiest and thickest I've tried.
- beat the sugar and egg yolks together until thick and creamy