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cramp - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cramp in Hindi

  • ऐंठन
  • कील
  • तनाव

cramp Definition


  • painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain.
  • a tool, typically shaped like a capital G, for clamping two objects together for gluing or other work.


  • restrict or inhibit the development of.
  • fasten with a cramp or cramps.
  • suffer from sudden and painful contractions of a muscle or muscles.

cramp Example

  • He got a cramp while he was swimming. ( तैरते समय उसे ऐंठन हुई। )
  • tighter rules will cramp economic growth ( सख्त नियम आर्थिक विकास को रोकेंगे )
  • Shifting her position to relieve a cramp in her hip, she twisted the injured shoulder and cried out in pain. ( अपने कूल्हे में ऐंठन को दूर करने के लिए अपनी स्थिति को बदलते हुए, उसने घायल कंधे को घुमाया और दर्द से चिल्लाई। )
  • I had stomach cramp from all the food I had just eaten. ( मैंने अभी-अभी जो खाना खाया था, उससे मेरे पेट में ऐंठन हुई। )

More Sentence

  • They succumb to cramp, fall off the track or simply run wildly off course.
  • I got cramp Did you take too little or too much liquid on board?
  • Sometimes, they just need a simple herb -- cramp bark -- that helps with uterine cramps.
  • He had cramp in both the hands stretched above him.
  • The muscle goes into spasm, producing the symptom of cramp.
  • Like more and more women, she believes marriage would cramp her style.
  • The fact that they were now civilians did not cramp their cynical teaching style.
  • If your leg suddenly suffers from a bout of cramp, don't panic.
  • 3 If one is apt to acquire too narrow a view of Jewish legalism, the whole experience of subsequent history, through the heroic age of the Maccabees and onwards, only proves that the minuteness of ritual procedure could not cramp the heart.
  • However, there is one major drawback associated with sticker scrapbooking; pre-designed stickers can cramp your creative style.
  • After swimming in the hot sun right after eating a large lunch, a cramp formed in my stomach making me double over in pain.  
  • “If the cramp in your leg does not feel better after ten minutes,” the doctor advised, “then massage that area of your leg.”  
  • Since the girl continued for hours constantly writing her memoirs, she had to immediately stop when a cramp formed in her left palm.  
  • Polio caused my grandmother to frequently have a cramp in her leg causing severe pain in her calf.  
  • With a throb forming in her thigh, the soccer player realized she had a cramp in her leg which then caused her to stop the game.  
  • The most common type of leg cramp is the true cramp that can happen from wearing new shoes, spending too much time on your feet or just sleeping the wrong way.
  • A muscle cramp is an involuntary contraction that cannot be controlled.
  • And then the source hit her again with a hard cramp.
  • For persistent cramps, particularly those associated with muscle fatigue and strains such as too much walking, poor shoes or overexertion, you should use a combination of heat and cold to relieve the muscle cramp.
  • Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp.
  • Little is known about why the leg or foot muscle can suddenly contract while you are sleeping, causing the painful cramp.
  • Since the actual cause of the leg cramp is unknown, it is difficult to determine what can be done to alleviate the cramping.
  • Repeat application for an hour or until the cramp relaxes.
  • The familiar advice about not swimming after a heavy meal, when blood flow is directed away from the muscles, is intended to avoid this type of cramp.
  • The professional, polished look of these beauties will have you rethinking those piles of lacy or colorful envelopes and a weekend recovering from writer's cramp.
  • cramp the gates to the posts