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craftily - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of craftily in Hindi

  • चालाकी से

craftily Definition


  • skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly.

craftily Example

  • The Fed has also craftily encouraged that belief, while not yet committing itself. ( फेड ने भी उस विश्वास को चालाकी से प्रोत्साहित किया है, जबकि अभी तक खुद को प्रतिबद्ध नहीं किया है। )
  • The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must, by necessity, focus your attention on the physical reality which has been created. ( छलावरण इतनी चालाकी से क्रियान्वित और आंतरिक स्व द्वारा निर्मित है कि आपको आवश्यकता के अनुसार, अपना ध्यान उस भौतिक वास्तविकता पर केंद्रित करना चाहिए जिसे बनाया गया है। )
  • We watched in disbelief as the nation was craftily wrested from our grip in these three short years. ( हमने अविश्वास में देखा क्योंकि इन तीन छोटे वर्षों में राष्ट्र हमारी पकड़ से चालाकी से छीन लिया गया था। )
  • The film has been craftily re-edited and re-marketed into a love story that shows the Japanese as honourable soldiers.  ( फिल्म को एक प्रेम कहानी के रूप में फिर से संपादित और पुन: विपणन किया गया है जो जापानी को सम्माननीय सैनिकों के रूप में दिखाता है। )

More Sentence

  • After all, drafters of legislation, being human, are imperfect, and some may craftily try to evade even the best-designed laws.  
  • For even though the mother turtle carefully and craftily dug a hole, laid the eggs and then patted the sand down, they were found.  
  • I suppose I'm being artistically and craftily creative at the moment.  
  • The story is craftily arranged, seducing viewers just as thoroughly as the central character himself.  
  • Chicago favorite Byrne Piven craftily dumbs himself down to play Sam as a softhearted dreamer with a bad case of the cutes.
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  • Zeus took up the white fat and was angry when he saw the bones craftily tricked out.
  • The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece.
  • Every day, increasingly sophisticated variants of Trojans and malware emerge, craftily constructed to evade the security measures put in place by banks, online stores and pay platforms.
  • They're all constructed craftily.
  • His songs develop and vary craftily, sustaining as many as six choruses without becoming tedious.
  • Chelmites seeking Justice are craftily sold the rare substance in a sealed barrel by an innkeeper.
  • Sure enough, Kabir gets in and craftily wins their confidence, as only he can.
  • In an instant, Mays had craftily set the whole thing up in his marvelous baseball brain.
  • Disappointed Gounder joins force with Shankar Das and craftily plots death of Swaminathan in a planned operation.
  • Her shows routinely feature some of the most craftily over-the-top looks on any runway.
  • "Kidnapping " is based on a true story, but the facts are craftily fudged.
  • And if a new admin were to inherit our craftily configured server, it would take quite a bit of detective work in order to even begin to understand how we configured everything.
  • Let everyone be on guard against his neighbor, And do not trust any brother; Because every brother deals craftily , And every neighbor goes about as a slanderer.
  • A singular occupation this, however, which forces you to struggle craftily with a barbel.
  • The Khalifa has craftily arranged that all horses remain in the hands of the Baggaras.
  • And lest any man should craftily say that this refers only to priests, Paul in 1 Cor.
  • He cast about craftily to save his face and took his cue from the other's smile.
  • When his customers brought dough to be baked he had a confederate under the table who craftily withdrew great pieces.
  • It was noon on a late fall day with no sight or sound of life except that mammoth eagle craftily soaring.
  • Dink had thought of that; he had thought of something else, too, which he craftily hid in his own memory.
  • And the squire tiptoed craftily away, chuckling maliciously to himself at the thought of how he would aid in punishing the boys on the morrow.
  • Strengthen basic training of calculation, get the kids to grasp the radical calculating ability craftily.
  • Under the pretense of holding a conference with the Bear, it will approach that animal craftily and eat it up.