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cracker - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cracker in Hindi

  • पटाखा
  • पटाका
  • गोला

cracker Definition


  • a thin, crisp wafer often eaten with cheese or other savory toppings.
  • a person or thing that cracks.

cracker Example

  • As a sandwich, deviled ham is best on toast, but as a dip it elevates your favorite cracker to hors d'oeuvre status. ( एक सैंडविच के रूप में, टोस्ट पर तैयार हैम सबसे अच्छा है, लेकिन एक डुबकी के रूप में यह आपके पसंदीदा क्रैकर को हॉर्स डी'ओवर स्थिति तक बढ़ा देता है। )
  • Emily grinned and took a bite of cracker. ( एमिली मुस्कुराई और पटाखा काट लिया। )
  • Fold in cracker crumbs, nuts and vanil a. ( क्रैकर क्रम्ब्स, नट्स और वैनिल में फोल्ड करें a. )
  • Jeff winced as he wiped up the cracker crumbs. ( पटाखों के टुकड़ों को पोंछते ही जेफ जीत गया। )

More Sentence

  • Combine cracker crumbs, about 3 T sugar and.
  • They stoled my Cracker Jack! she cried.
  • The fire cracker series opens up the amBush at.
  • I heard you… try a cracker, he said, holding it out.
  • Finding no trace of the cracker there, she pointed to my stomach and spelled "eat," meaning, "Did you eat it?"
  • "Well, cause it's sweet, which to me suggests cookie, and, you know, I mean putting cheese on something is sort of the defining characteristic of what makes a cracker a cracker.
  • Incidentally, you showed some smarts not calling down to Georgia and getting lost in the cracker barrel.
  • He hadn’t eaten since the small bit of cracker Grace had shared.
  • I got this recipe from a "Cracker," and it will dispute the previous.
  • Grobut took a cracker, studied it carefully, and then took a small bite.
  • I shouldn't have ashed him, she said before grabbing a cracker from.
  • She was sipping green tea and chewing on a rice cracker as if nothing had.
  • Spread 1 teaspoon peanut butter on a cracker and top with another cracker.
  • It tastes best when eaten with fried tempeh and traditional cracker called peyek.
  • cracker of a butler.
  • The steam cracker reacts steam with heavy gas oil.
  • Next up is a real cracker of a track.
  • Patrick Meehan was a career safe cracker who was found guilty of the high profile murder of an elderly woman during a house break.
  • cracker jokes.
  • Sandwich the hot marshmallow on a graham cracker with a piece of chocolate in the center.